Powerful February

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Here we are on the new moon in Aquarius cycle, celebrating Imbolc/Candlemas and the Chinese New Year of the metal rabbit!!! This is a powerful time we have just entered where consciousness will move forward every 20 days if we allow it. This means we all need to:

1. Slow down our personal lives and work lives.
2. Listen more than we talk.
3. Take time for ourselves whenever possible.
4. Firm up personal boundaries.
5. Learn the ancient art of timelessness.

As far as our personal lives go, we are entering a sweet year for finding that perfect someone or strengthening the bond we already have in our love relationships or marriages. All this is accomplished through gentleness, sweetness, listening, allowing, honesty and simplicity.

On the world scene, things look wild and anger is rising when inequity is the law of the land. Watch Egypt, they are leading.

Justice, compassion and peace are stoking the triple fire of revolution in our relationships, in the work place, in our towns, cities and all countries on our green/blue garden planet home. The revolution is green as well! For our planet and all her creatures, including us, are not only crying out for change now, they are taking action. They are demonstrating in the streets, on the beaches, in the arctic, on Facebook, in the schools, in the Gulf, and at Safeway! The energetic fires are burning brighter as we cross further into this year.

For those of us who are so stressed out that our time is written on post-it notes, I have a suggestion. A little tip for now and the upcoming times is learning and mastering the ancient art of timelessness. Sit quietly and imagine yourself inside a giant, shimmering crystal of swirling energy. Breathe deeply and affirm that you are in the flow of abundance NOW! This can be a short few quiet minutes stolen at your desk at work, or on an escape to the restroom during a stressful meeting, a needed pause during hectic housework, when you are frustrated and stuck in traffic, even during a fight you can wrap yourself and the offender in this shimmering crystalline energy and breathe through it to achieve a win/win outcome.

Let's flow with the incredible leaps in consciousness now available if we become peaceful, gentle, loving beings who appreciate the earth and her creatures.

Love your life, appreciate every moment and laugh and love as much as you can every minute of every day. Always ask yourself -'what would love do?', when you are faced with a challenge. Choose love. Be Love!!!! Then demonstrate THAT!!!


Lindy Anne Nisbet is a spiritual councelor, artist, writer, and singer and eco-rebel. She has over 30 years experience as a spiritual guide and has logged thousands of astrological charts for people all over the world. Her website is http://amusinglight.com Love your life!

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Source: http://www.articleheaven.net/powerful-february-2063401.html

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