Potential Young Leaders Have the Power to Transform the World!

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- Industrial waste
- Water management
- Global warming
- Health hazards

There is a greater appeal made to the young leaders who are well versed in the field of global issues to find out a solution to all these. One can't overlook the problems which are increasing at an alarming rate. It could be about health and the environmental effects on it. The usage of fossil fuels for energy and depletion of carbon di oxide gases may pose a greater problem.

If these problems are not dealt with at the right time it may bring about a doom's day. The world would come to an end with the carbon di oxide emission. People are burning more of fossil fuels and increasing the heat elements in the environment thus causing the melting of glaciers. Industrial waste is another cause for this warming up of the environment. Can you find a solution to all these so that we can stop this world from reaching its end. It's social, economic, and environmental consequences are grave! Do not over look any of these issues discussed so far, we all have a moral responsibility towards the society and let us do our bit to save this world.

Drought, famine, heat waves and deluge are a result of this sudden rise in temperature. Rapid climatic changes have completely washed out certain species. Desmund tutu, Kofi Annan and other world leaders are heading forward to make this world a better place. Let us join our hands in this noble cause!

Vijay Koragappa Shetty, Expert Author, Platinum Status. Get more information on: Kofi Annan

For more information on: Future Leadership

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