Pop a Zit

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To pop or not to pop that is the question. The answer depending on what results you hope for really is no. If you risk popping a zit you also risk spreading the infection and bacteria under the skin thus causing more of what you already have in severe abundance. This being said sometimes you must go for broke and pop it as it may be extremely painful or very unsightly. To be well groomed is to not have witch like pimples on your nose and what not right? That being said their are other ways besides popping a zit which you could call easily enough prevention.

Washing your hands and affected areas can greatly reduce your risk of getting acne or zits. Using an exfoliating cream or gel nightly and antibacterial gel in the morning and evenings can also greatly reduce your risk of having a zit.

Sometimes no matter what though against all odds and for no reason your going to get one, and that's when you have to decide if your going to pop it or not. I highly recommend using tweezers built for removing tics and they will have the most perfect grabbing area in order to not blow back the bacteria into your skin but actually pop it outward. Afterward you ought to cleanse the area deeply and use an anti bacterial cream or gel.

Once your done try not to linger around messing with the area this is the easiest time to get a much worse infection and inherent a scar.

Get More Effective Acne Treatment advice including information on How To Prevent Pimples and much more.

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