Pixel Laser Skin Resurfacing is absolutely amazing

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There are so many declared that the "quick response" and "the time-oriented" treatment decisions repair old, sun damaged or wrinkled and loose skin, I thought I tried them all, and every time I reached the average results at best. Well, so far it is! When Pixel laser "treatment has been brought to my attention, my first thought was to just write it off or pass it over because nothing has worked quite well for me in the past. Looking back now, I thank God every day that I took the time to learn more about 360 laser skin rejuvenation process, and way too because it just changed my life.

I'd like to share with you what happened to me as a new laser technology to try leather styling results. My face was much, much Sun damaged areas and age spots on the forehead to the neck! Fine lines and wrinkles I had were too much for me even count anymore and I even had a few scars and varicose veins. Overall, I have given a huge breach of the general quality of the skin tone, texture and condition. Now I figured it would take months to a team of plastic surgeons to correct these conditions. Oh my word, I was still wrong about that!

If you visit an experienced laser skin styling techniques I was pleased to hear about one day, three specialized medical procedure called "Laser 360"! Well, I'm not going to lie, and I must say, I have some reservations and skepticism about the expected results. But even the conservative talk-not the answer here, so I wanted to experience firsthand a lot of personal reasons and long-lived.

Now I have absolutely no major you exactly how this technology works, because to this day I still do not fully understand, nor do I intend to go any further in detail, except to say the intention, it is certainly state of-the-art system which actually implement what I was told that would be. That being said, what actually emerged during the approximately one hour laser therapy session 360. I provide the details since I was a little nervous at first and know that you can be too.

You will lie on your back, since wear goggles to protect eyes from the intense pulsed infrared light or 'IPL is one of the methods used in laser skin correction process. You will hear a "whirring" sound laser and air box, which is a bit more comfortable and cooling ... in a weird kinda 'way.

Now for the first treatment is associated with skin tightening to remove fine lines and wrinkles. This is done by increasing the heat through the skin to a high level (I found the hotter the better the results). Although it is hot, it's not quite unbearable! Indeed, as the laser hand piece is constantly moving really do not feel anything other than my face get hot towards the end of each cycle. I was given three cycles during the first treatment to achieve the desired skin temperature based on my advice skin type name.

The second relates to the treatment to remove age spots, sun damage, uneven coating (s) and the small veins under the skin, which may be considered unsightly. This is the IPL or intense pulse light of the treatment. The gel is continuously spread on the face, neck, chest, arms or any area of ​​the body is treated in the process. You are still lying on his back now and will be for all treatments as the process moves so quickly from one to another, that never even get time, unless you want to.

In any case, this phase of the IPL treatments feel something snapping rubber band on your skin every time you send a laser light source is in the hands of a piece that goes along with the skin, and you do not even hear the snapping sound a little bit. Two permits may be required to take due account of the area (s) being treated. I have to say that it's a little more uncomfortable than the first phase of 360 laser treatment process is not at all in any way painful.

Now it's time to Pixel laser or by a third and final phase of the three treatments had over 360 laser in this process. This tone and texture of skin rejuvenation miracle to everyone and it has been very difficult to achieve this quickly and efficiently. The laser is actually produced "instantaneous" at the point of the work of their hands, which creates small holes in the skin which stimulates new growth, even without invasive damage. It's really very interesting, as it actually stimulates new collagen, which gives a more youthful look about for five days without downtime! For your convenience, if I link to view detailed explanations of the process of laser pixels end of this article.

Well, honestly, that last part hurt by the time he bit completely, but it is not just how to open ourselves facing a bad sunburn for about 30 minutes to worse ... then it just goes away. Further decrease discomfort and help deal with some ice cold face towels are used to cool the process, or once this phase is completed.

The name "Laser 360" simply means you edit three phases of treatment cycle, as described above three times during the course of 60 days. Here are three of approximately one hour, the procedures for allocation of 20 days of each other, the results of looking years younger, eliminate fine lines and wrinkles, improve color tones and ultimately reverse the aging process. How cool is that?! It certainly was for me!

Finally, I let it be known that the first one of my friends have seen me before, during and after treatment, said without hesitation: "I can not believe it! You really look for at least five to ten years younger now!" It just forced me to write this article because I like everyone who wants to look and feel younger to understand this non-surgical skin rejuvenation answer that really works.

I found it ultimately benefits fully rejuvenate and best of all ... looking to restore my youthful age before the appearance was as described above. It's really all I have to say about it!

There are about 60 total skin care provided in accordance with laser skin resurfacing with the Harmony XL system. Some of them are painless laser hair removal in motion, acne scars and stretch mark repair removal just to name a few that go right along with the 360 ​​laser treatment.

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