Pink Converse Boots As A Birthday Present

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It is my cousin Lisa's birthday on the 24th of this month and it took me five days to decide on what to give her. She is like my younger sister because we grew up together. We are also neighbors that are that's why we are very close to each other.. She always comes over to my house and we either study, cook, chat, etc. I just could not believe she is turning eighteen this month.

It is just like yesterday when she still played with her Barbie dolls but now she likes to go out on a date with guys her age. Funny isn't it? But I guess that is just life. Anyway, I went to the mall yesterday and bought her a brand new pair of pink converse boots.

For weeks I have saved my allowance just so I could buy a present for her. Being a student is tough because financially speaking you still depend on your parents and there's nothing you can do about it. Yes, part time jobs sometimes can help you with money, but your salary is still not enough to prove to them that you can do it on your own. When I was sixteen I told my father that I wanted to get an apartment for myself and live independently. He just laughed at what I said so I just forgot all about it. I guess I will just wait until I graduate from college.

With Lisa, I acted like her older sister because I am three years older than her. Her mother is a journalist and her job requires her to travel a lot. Her dad does house wife work most of the time. She loves fashion just like girls her age and one time I saw her drool over a pair of pink converse boots worn by a model in the magazine. That was when I decided to buy her that as a birthday present.

To end the story, as expected I am sort of broke now and I ruined my own surprise present for her. She came to my house this morning and unfortunately I was unable to hide the paper bag that contained the boots. When she saw the bag she opened it and I saw the look on her face as she drooled over her birthday present. This is just like the first time I saw her with the same reaction over those boots in the magazine. I did not need to explain anymore because she knew that the pink converse boots are definitely for her.

Isn't it time you bought a pair for your beloved girl?


Lam Bong is an Author living in Sydney, Australia. He is interested in reading and creating websites. His latest website is about military boots for men and finding the best hiking boots for men on the web today.

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