Pay as You Go Mobile Phones - Cheap and Easy To Use

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There are many options for one to choose from when selecting their plan for usage of a mobile phone. It can run on contractual basis or as SIM free or the most economically viable alternative of them all, Pay as You Go.

Contract deals bind you for a certain period of time where you can't switch form one network provider to another. This drawback is covered in Pay as You Go(PAYG) mobile phone deals. Just like anything else there are pros and cons for this type of arrangement as well. Starting with the positives, unlike contracts pay as you go does not make a user stick to one particular network provider for a period of time. This period is generally 12, 18 and 24 months. Now this can be a good thing as the money to be paid would be less but it can be a bad thing as one can't switch network providers. Using PAYG a user can switch from one provider to another without much of a hassle. All that a person is required to do is end the deal with one provider and switch to another. It is also possible for one to retain the number that they used to operate. Therefore there is enough freedom and independence for a user to opt for a network of his/her choice.

This deal is mainly created and highly suitable for students and housewives who want to keep a check on their expenditure on mobile phones. These days we're addicted to mobiles and use various features beyond voice calls such as text messaging, Internet surfing and in most cases they are the biggest contributors to a hefty bill. Therefore it is important to keep a check on the usage or otherwise get a deal which will satisfy our usage but the chances of that happening are highly unlikely. This positive reason and hence the simplicity of the whole thing is a great booster for many people.

Pay as you go mobile phones are great for travelers as well. All that one has to do is pay for a SIM card and insert it into their roaming enabled device. Usually an identification proof is also necessary to get a SIM card which is the security norm in many countries across the world. These mobile phones require one to pay money and get their account credited. It works on the basis where the account is recharged before hand and then the usage starts. As and when the usage starts, money keeps getting deducted from this credit balance. Its helpful in the situations when you don't want to overspend and when your credit balance reaches zero, the usage stops. This means no excessive spending. Orange offers one feature where a user can go £2.50 above the credit ending value. Although in the beginning, one's account already starts with a certain value for making calls or sending text messages.

There is no limitation of choosing a certain value of credit top up. One can increase the credit amount on the basis of their needs and budget. This is then better than contract deals as there is no hassle of paying a bill on a monthly basis. Here you would be charged only for your usage and not pay a monthly rental even though you've barely used the phone.

Pay as you go mobile phones are optimal for limited mobile phone using people. It is also highly economic and provides easier functionality to the users. People who use roaming facility should prefer this as well.

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