Parents must talk to their kids sometimes

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Problems are common for our Parents, but they always find ways to resolve it. Some may take time, others may take

months or maybe a year to solve it. Parents often think that their kids has no problems in mind, thinks that everything

is find, things are going smooth and cool. So they dont pay attention to their kids and work and work and work.

Here comes weekends and still working sunddenly you dont have time for your kids. Worst is you dont know where

are your kids or what are they doing, Some teens starting for 4th year highschool up to college students are taking

alcohol, cigarettes and even drugs. Wonder why most of females are getting pregnant at the age of 17 and up. I

have some friends that experienced what i have said. I ask some of them why some said because of family problems,

and one of my friend simply said "my parents pass away" and one friend actualy shocked me off he said his parents

who provoke him to take alcohol and cigarettes.How come i ask he just only said "lack of attention". Giving no

attention to your kids can provoke them to do this things. As a parent you do have a responsility for your kids not

only just sending them to school and giving them food. Kids need attention sometimes , ask them if they have

problems so you can help. Try to bond with them. Here are tips for family bonding written by Dr. Dave and Dr. Dee,

1. Whenever possible, eat meals together, especially dinner. Keep the TV off and do not answer the phone while

2. Help them with homework (or review homework schedules).
3. Attend their sports event or activity (give positive feedback no matter the outcome).
4. Play card or board games of their choosing.
5. Watch a TV program that your kids like.
6. Have a family night out and go to a movie, concert, or play.
7. Exercise together (biking, swimming, tennis, hiking).
8. Volunteer together (serving meals at homeless shelters, building homes for Habitat for Humanity).
9. Do chores together (cooking, dishes, grocery shopping, housework, gardening).
10. Drive them whenever possible and let them listen to their radio station.
11. Have bedtime talks where you just sit and listen and let your children speak.
12. Read together. If there is a book everyone wants to read (i.e. Harry Potter), each person can take turns reading

13. Share a hobby together or take an active interest in your child's hobby.
14. Go on a family vacation and let the kids get involved in the planning.
15. Every day, tell them you love them. Also, give a compliment or positive remark about something they've done.

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