Pallets: Wooden or Plastic? Which Is Greener?

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Do you remember all those years ago, when you went to the supermarket and were
asked; paper or plastic? The
introduction of plastic products gave consumers
a variety. At the time, many of us
pondered; 'save a tree, use plastic'. Plastic
bags seemed more fitting because they were easier to
tote our parcels in. But we did not
understand the consequences of our actions.
That being the irreparable harm caused to
the planet. We have even created
land masses of toxic materials poisoning the earth,
not to point out the impurities that are being
spewed into the air manufacturing said

One of the industries where plastic has got more than its foot in the door is
the pallet industry. Pallets are a multi million dollar business which billions
of pallets are in use all over the planet at any given time.
It's an item that is taken for granted, but would bring the production process to a halt if we didn't have them. Without pallets, we wouldn't be able to move

products all over the world.

As of late, the pallet industry is now faced with having to opt for what
technology has recently developed (plastic pallets), over the more traditional
and conventional style (wooden pallets). Which of the two products is more
environmentally safe? It's my opinion that plastic pallets bare
a greater burden on our planet than the wooden pallets do. Are we going to
repeat our mistakes just because
we are faced with options?

Another controversial issue in the wood and plastic
wars is safety. Companies that need to store plastic pallets, face a
greater expense above and beyond the purchase price of the pallet
itself. They need to maintain a more sophisticated sprinkler system for plastic
pallets. This is largely due
to the chemicals used in the plastic that can more easily ignite and
spread causing a more severe fire than wood. Let's not forget the toxins that
plastics will emit into the

Wooden pallets are the epitome of environmentally correct
from beginning to end. The pallets' strips are taken from the discarded bits
from trimming trees down which are used to make lumber. So every bit of a
tree is put to use. When a pallet is broken, the broken
board(s) can easily be replaced. This recycling of
the wooden pallet makes the skid last seemingly forever. And when a pallet
finally has seen its last day, it is made into mulch,
flooring, paneling or firewood. As you can see, the wooden pallet keeps on
giving even after its use as a pallet is over.

It's clear to me which seems to be the greener of the two. That's why
I'm affiliated with Deana Pallets Sales Co. We only offer wooden pallets. It's
more cost effective, safer and has a longer life span that its plastics counter

Please visit our website and allow us to take care of
your business needs as much as we try to help the environment by using an
eco-friendly product.

Mario Puglia
Marketing Consultant
Deana Pallets Sales Co
We Move The World

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