Natural Topical Creams For Dry Skin Are Not All the Same

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You should always choose natural topical creams for dry skin, because they are so much more effective at treating your skin. The plant based compounds that these formulas contain have the ability to heal your skin through the antioxidants that they provide. These compounds will also fill your skin to overflowing with the essential nutrients necessary for keeping it healthy.

I have to tell you though, that finding creams and lotions that are truly as all natural as the manufacturer's claim that they are is easier said than done. The majority of the cosmetics formulas on the market fail to have the ingredients in them that your skin needs. They are primarily filled with ingredients that are not only ineffective in treating your skin, but that are also potentially dangerous for you.

Many of the top companies will tell you that the natural topical creams for dry skin that they manufacture are by far the best formulas being made. Usually, upon closer inspection of the product, you discover that the formula has all of the chemical agents in it that you were taught to fear, and so you put the product down. At least you would hope that this is the way that things would happen.

What happens most of the time though is that the person being sold the product simply takes it home, and begins to use it. What happens over time is that the chemicals that these formulas contain enter into your bloodstream, and eventually become attached to your body's soft tissue. It is once the various chemicals begin to build up here that the problems begin.

The chemical agents in these supposedly natural topical creams for dry skin are known to cause the development of cancer, and other illnesses, which is why you need to be extremely careful when choosing which skin care formula to use. You have to know what ingredients are healthy for you, and which ones are not. I can suggest a couple of really effective compounds to get you started.

You already know that plant based compounds are necessary for the health of your skin. These ingredients moisturize your dry skin much more effectively than other natural compounds do, since they contain properties that make the almost identical to sebum, the skin's own oil. Avocado oil is one of the most effective moisturizers, and it gives you the added benefit of being able to promote collagen growth.

This makes avocado oil the perfect ingredient for natural topical creams for dry skin that contain Functional Keratin. This is a newly discovered pair of keratin proteins that has the ability to stimulate a large scale increase in the production of the cells that form collagen and elastin. Between this ingredient and avocado oil, you will be looking healthier and younger in no time.

Not all natural topical creams for dry skin are good for you, nor are they effective. Make sure that you make the right choice when you buy your products, and you will be overjoyed with the results that you get.

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Yu Morita is a researcher of natural skin care. Visit her site at and discover what type of skin care product she recommends.

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