Mystical ties to a masterpiece

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Curtains of the show, the innocents, finally opened highlighting some good local stage actors. On the set hangs a picture, about which many strange tales have been told. The owner of the picture who prefers to remain anonymous has had the picture for many years. As if entranced, this lady stopped her travels, parked her car and instantly bought the picture and up to now she does not know why.

It was impossible that she could afford it, but she waited there for the clerk to take the picture out of the window for her. It was school time soon and she realized that she needed to purchase clothes, books and supplies for the kids. She recalls thinking how to tell the clerk that she was no longer going to buy it for she just cannot afford this beautiful piece of art. But before the attendant could move and return the portrait back in place, the lady, in a very loud voice, said that she was dying to have that portrait and she will get it no matter what happens.

She then got it hurriedly and walked out of the store, nervous about how her husband could possibly react when he finds out she compulsively bought such an unnecessary and expensive thing, while she also tried to figure out what made her go ahead and buy it. It was perhaps painted in the late 1800's or early 1900's, and it was a Borzoi, a Russian wolfhound depicted using oil. This very beautiful picture when scrutinized by someone familiar with the Borzoi will easily wonder why the Borzoi in the picture was painted with an almost straight on pose and he will also get to wonder why it is only the dog's head and shoulders shown there. But as you look at the chest and shoulders, you will see it's not proportional.

Oddly, the woman whose eyes were so trained to know what a Borzoi should exactly look like still did not let go of the portrait and finally bought it. The husband came home that evening and contrary to what his wife thought, him blowing up upon learning that she overspent on it instead of spending it on their kids' needs, it was strange how he too began to feel the same magnetic attraction to it like she did that day.

There never was an instance that two photographs of this portrait ever came out the same and there have been so many photo amateurs and experts that took shots of it. There are occasions when the dog portrait would show a spectral face on its right side, then at some times it would look flat then 3 dimensional in others, but at most times, whether the portrait would appear as either black and white or in full color, strange lights would seem to emanate from it.

We can only blame light reflections or our overactive imaginations for I certainly do not think that there is something wrong with this dog portrait, stated the husband as he was discussing supernatural probabilities behind the portrait in their home. A large plate made of ceramic, with a loud crash, fell on the floor but it was not broken into pieces, which was truly a mystery.

Hearing about the tales of this portrait, the playhouse director and producer sought the couple to loan the painting and use it as part of his play, the Innocents, which was about supernatural forces, and indeed, they agreed to it. They explained to him that they have never really found out who it is that moved into the house the day the portrait was purchased and maybe being used in a production such as the Innocents they might be able to find out. This their hope, at least.

Read this site if you want custom dog portraits information.Further information on dogs paintings can be found there.

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