My Pet Portraits

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Some people think the prospect of have pet portraits is all too much to handle, this is not really the case. Your pet does not have to sit there for hours on hours in the one same pose. Pet portraits can be done simply by providing the studio, gallery or artist with a photo of your pet. The artist can then use that photo to make a great looking portrait.

Because you are going to have a portrait taken directly from a photo, try and pick a photo that not only is free from red eyes, but is a picture that brings back fond memories for you and your family if you have one. Pet portraits should be able to provoke emotion in the owner almost every time they look at it. Emotions do not have to be sad, in fact you could be extremely happy when you walk passed and look up at it, or perhaps maybe it can bring back a loving reassuring feeling that you have grown so used to. One of the many fabulous things about pets is that they are so willing to love and be loyal, they do this automatically, and without needing prompting, they are so willing to forgive if you forget to take them for a walk or forget to say hello to them as you walk through the door and say hello to the rest of the family. They are happy to come over and remind you that they are there.

Pet portraits do not have to be over the top and expensive, if you are on a tight budget, you can consider having your pet portraits put on canvas direct from your digital photo. These days just about everyone has a photo of their pet somewhere on their digital camera, if you do and it happens to be a good portrait style photo of your pet, why not take it in to your local camera house and see if they are able to transfer the image to a canvas . The process does not take long and can an inexpensive way of immortalizing your pet. The great thing about canvas is that if you get a good quality one, they will last for a very long time, so there is no need for you to be redoing your pet’s portrait all the time due to fading or due to being scratched or marked when you move house.

I really like to have my own Pet Portraits. I am a writer and whenever I look at the portrait of my dogs, I can get a lot of insightful ideas from them.

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