Moisturizing skin, hair and body

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Moisturization is not limited to winters at all. Our skin needs it all the time be it summer, rains or any other season. I have ignore moisturizing my skin throughout summer in my school days and I know many teenage girls or even young woman must be doing this. This is because of the stickiness which most of the moisturizer gives during summer woman tend to ignore it.

Our upper layer of the skin might be oily in hot and humid weather but inside our skin in deep layers it keeps getting dried if proper moisturization is not done. This is why we are always asked to understand our skin and give food of moisture to the lower layers of the skin so that one can have a healthy glow on the upper layer of the skin too.

In summers oil glad are so active that some time I feel they play basket ball .Skin looks oily and dull.To get over the dullness a good cleansing milk is needed to clean the face.

Woman who are out most of the time to travel to work can choose face washes which contains po vitamin B5 and vitamin E. Both these ingredients of the face wash act as an antioxidant and save one fom pollution. We can see the complete affect if we apply moisturizer. Regular application will make one look much younge and slowly remove problems like pigmentation , darkness and fine lines too.

Do not believe in all the high end brands .Check the label of you moistuize no matter how good or well know brand it is. Market is filled many kinds of moistuizer such as vegetable based, petoleum based and chemicals based too. Those who have oily skin or an oily T -zone can use oil control moistuizer. The oil free formulae of the moisturizer keeps the skin hydrates and keep the foot ball playing active oily glands in control.
For dry skin people alpha hydro acid based moisturizers works.

Also, moistuizes which claims ingredients like curd , fruits can also be used.Moisturizer is not only limited to our skin. Our whole body needs moisturization and which includes our hair too. Hair dryers, hair iron and excessive washing of hair make our hair dry and therefore do not forget about conditioning hair at all. Choose conditioner according to you hair type. Oily hair needs light moisture where as dry hair needs deep conditioning. Those who have normal hair can opt for fruit based conditioner too.

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