Memorable Events From Ten Years Ago

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I was looking through a history book and it was talking about memorable events of ten years ago, but I had forgotten most of them. I have picked out some of the events of exactly ten years ago this month - January, in a word. So here are a few news items that you may or in all probability will not remember from January 2000.

1 - on his first day as acting president, Vladimir Putin left to visit Russian troops in Chechnya.

4 - President Clinton recommends Alan Greenspan to a fourth four year term as Chairman of the Federal Reserve.

5 - President Clinton decides that Elian Gonzalez, a six year old Cuban boy who survived the capsizing of a refugee boat, should be returned to his father in Cuba.

6 - much of Miami is shut down by hundreds of Cuban-Americans in protest against the Gonzalez decision.
- the S.E.C reports that most partners of Price, Waterhouse, Coopers, the world's largest accounting company, violated regulations requiring that they may not hold shares in companies that they audit. Five partners were fired.

7 - Vice Pres. Al Gore back-tracks on his promise to ensure that all new appointees to the Joint Chiefs of Staff were supportive of allowing gays to serve openly in the military.

8 - AOL announces a merger with Time Warner for $165 billion: the world's biggest ever.

11 - the British government rules that General Pinochet is medically unfit to stand trial for alleged crimes against humanity in Chile during his presidency.

13 - executives at the nation's leading drugs companies say they want to cooperate with Clinton to establish Medicare coverage for prescription drugs this year.

15 - Arkan, the notorious Serbian paramilitary leader was shot dead in a hotel lobby in Belgrade.

18 - Helmut Kohl resigns as honorary Christian Democratic Party chairman over suggestions of sleaze from within the party.

24 - the Supreme Court decides that laws restricting political contributions to $1,000 in Missouri are constitutional.

25 - the Congressional Budget Office reports that the flood of tax revenues resulting from the exceptionally strong economy will last for ten years.

26 - 'The New York Times' informs that U.S investigators have unveiled links between a group of Algerians charged with plotting a terrorist strike in the U.S. and Osama Bin Laden, the exiled Saudi accused of bombing two American embassies.

31 - Republican Gov. George Ryan of Illinois halts all executions in the state citing a shameful record of convicting innocent people and putting them on death row.
- top officials n the C.I.A. are accused of impeding an internal investigation into evidence that the agency's former director, John M. Deutsch, mishandled secret information.

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