Meals on Wheels, an Honorable Service

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It was in World War II and during "The Blitz" which was the sustained bombing of Great Britain by Nazi Germany between September 1940 and May 1941 that "Meals on Wheels" was born. In London alone a million houses were destroyed or damaged and over 50,000 innocent men, women and children lost their lives. Many people who had lost everything including their homes lost the ability to cook food for themselves. That is where the Women's Volunteer Service for Civil Defence, (WVS, later known as WRVS), provided food for these people.

The "Meals on Wheels" name originated and was derived from the Women's Volunteer Service related activities of bringing meals to servicemen in the war. Today, the evolution of "Meals on Wheels" into the modern day programmes that deliver mostly to the housebound elderly for free or with donations started with the concept of delivering meals to those unable to prepare their own meals in the war.

In 1947, after World War II in Hemel Hempstead, Hertfordshire, England, "Meals on Wheels" very first home delivery was made by the Women's Volunteer Service. To keep the meals warm in transit WVS in the early days used straw bales, blankets and even old felt hats and many early services used old prams (baby carriages) to transport the meals.

It was in 1965; Calgary, Canada, a plea from the Hospital Chaplaincy Committee of the Calgary Presbytery of the United Church that "Meals on Wheels" started, and was formed in response to that plea from the Chaplaincy Committee for the needs of the elderly living alone and those being discharged from hospital to help. In 1965, November 15, the first meal service started serving eight people, and by 1982 the number of people getting hot meals had increased to over 400 a day. In 2010, Calgary Meals on Wheels celebrated its 45th Anniversary, and never missed a meal delivery in its 45 year history, delivering to some 2000 people, plus services to several unique programmes. A pool of some 800 volunteers donate just under 80,000 hours of time a year to deliver meals five days a week within Calgary to people in need, a highly honorable job to be very proud of and a job well done.

Today, "Meals on Wheels" programs generally operate at the county level or smaller. "Meals on Wheels" programs vary widely in their size, scope, service provided, organization and types of funding. "Meals on Wheels" now exist in several countries around the world, and there are active and large "Meals on Wheels" programs in Australia, Canada, the United Kingdom and the United States.

A "Meals on Wheels Volunteer" quote:

"My Nan used to tell me to help out the seniors as much as possible. After all, we all make it to that stage at some point in our lives. Many younger people take their youth for granted, but the reality of the situation is that we're all just a step or two from disability and old age ourselves. At some point, it may be us who need the friendly volunteers at Meals on Wheels."

"If you have some free time, consider helping out in the community. You'll feel a sense of satisfaction, be able to meet some new people and enjoy the sunshine doing it. Many hands make light work, and if we all work together, we can make our communities a better place to live."

"Meals on Wheels" is a great cause. It is sad that it is mostly the elderly doing the volunteering. The result of the "ME" Generation.

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