Mass Party To Banish January Blues

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Thousands of fed up Brits are to congregate in cities across the UK later this month in an internet organised bid to stage the UK's biggest ever January party.

In the biggest mass party since December 31st revellers are set to come together in 19 cities to celebrate in a "Break Your Resolutions" party.

The event has been organised by 60,000 member strong website City Socialising - which regularly organised social gatherings across Britain.

Up to 1,000 are expected to attend the London party at a venue in Leicester Square on January 28 and they will be joined by thousands of others at cities including Birmingham, Manchester, Glasgow and Leeds.

Organisers hope the event will brighten up a miserable month and help people to kick their New Year hangovers and banish the January blues.

Finance worker Tanbir Jasimudden, from Essex, is one of the revelers looking forward to the London event.

He said: "Everyone hates January don't they? We're all suffering from something of a post Christmas hangover. No one has much cash, the weather's a nightmare and it feels like ages before the spring will come along.

"The third week in January has to be the worst week of the year because that's the time when the December credit card bill falls through the letterbox. What better time to get out of the house and let your hair down?"

However Tanbir admitted that his own New Year resolution had been to go out less in 2010.

He added: "At the beginning of the month I felt like I needed to recharge my batteries but that lasted all of three days before a friend tempted me out.

"Right now I've had enough of this dreadful month and I'm ready to party. It's certainly a lot more fun than staying in doors and feeling sorry for yourself. There's fun to be had out there and I want some of it."

Londoner Ana D'Agrela said: "I promised myself in December I would be sensible in the January Sales and not buy anything just because it was reduced.

"I went to Oxford St on New Year's Day, just to change a top I had been given, and ended up buying 2 pairs of shoes and a pair of boots, just because they were marked 50% off. Each one had been reduced from around £80 to £40, so still expensive but I justified it to myself by having made such a big saving.

"I'm really looking forward to the party because it will a celebration of having made it through dull and gloomy January, and we can now look forward to a whole year of meeting lots of new and exciting people to experience London with."

Other cities taking part include Cardiff, Edinburgh, Liverpool, Newcastle, Oxford, Nottingham and Sheffield.

Organiser Sanchita Saha said: "We are hoping to stage the largest party ever celebrated in the UK during the month of January. There's no need to suffer the January blues when there's new friends to make and fun to be had. So come and join us."

For more information and to find out where your nearest party is please visit



Steve McComish
London PR Agency
020 7193 0566

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