Makeup Tips – Hiding Fine Line And Wrinkles

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Using anti wrinkle products is not the only excellent way to deal with wrinkles and blemishes on the face. Although makeup can be used to reduce the appearance of wrinkles, be careful when using makeup because if you don’t know the tricks in using it, you might make your wrinkles more obvious. On the other hand, if you are familiar with the proper application of makeup, you might even find a way to hide wrinkles so that you will look several years younger.

Washing the face properly before applying any kind of cosmetic product is very essential. Before you apply your favorite anti wrinkle cream and put on your makeup, make sure you have washed your skin with a mild cleanser. This should prepare your skin in a sense. If not, your product might not work at all. In the same manner, moisturize your skin first before applying the foundation.

Even if you have deep wrinkles on your face, you don’t have to wear very thick foundation just to cover them. A thick foundation will only emphasize your wrinkles rather than hide them. The trick to wearing foundation is to use one with medium coverage. In addition to wearing foundation moderately, use powder to achieve a matte rather than a glossy finish. To further hide those stubborn wrinkles, make use of a concealer. Consequently, a concealer with white base is perfect for hiding wrinkles.

For most middle-aged women, wrinkles in the areas around the eyes are a common problem. Applying moisturizer in these parts should be a great solution. To eliminate the wrinkles under the eyes, include that area as well when applying your wrinkle creams. Meanwhile, avoid using cream eye shadows as they can show more wrinkles instead of hide them. Use powder eye shadow and preferably, use only light colored makeup when working around the eyes. As for the cheek, hide the tiny blood vessels by applying powder blush-on.

When it comes to applying lipstick, smearing is usually the problem. To prevent your lipstick from getting messed up, use a firm brush. This will help keep lipstick in place. At the same time, use cream lipstick since they are found to be more effective in hiding wrinkles that appear around the mouth and lips.

Never settle for low quality makeup kits and anti wrinkle products. High quality means high cost as well but you should invest on products that work than waste your time and money on cheap products that do not work at all. Using makeup in addition to using wrinkle creams is an excellent way not just to eliminate present wrinkles but also to prevent more from developing.

Jennifer Anne Paige is an expert writer on skin care topics and recently wrote a must-see writeup on clogged pore extractions. Click to read up on it now.

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