Make Your Photos Look Professional - The Digital Photography Background!

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The ability to apply a digital photography background is certainly one of - if not THE largest advantage of the digital revolution.

Back in the ancient days of film, whenever you required a specific kind of background, you were pretty much limited to painted backgrounds or in fact going on site. Varying a backdrop was exceptionally hard.

Usually, when you planned to do an easy touch up - like, take away a rubbish can from behind your subject - it'd involve physically going on the negative and actually painting it out. It was the same with facial touch-ups.

Doing this seamlessly took a real skill.

Since negatives were so small, this was a terribly hard undertaking and hardly any photographers had the skill in order to do it acceptably - or even at all. Consequently, they wound up paying specialized retouchers to do the work. Not a happy scene.

The other choice was to print the photo and physically paint away the offending little bit of background...on each separate copy! Again, not so good. This too took creative skill and took a large amount of time!

The cutout...

The last approach was to take a razor-sharp knife or razor blade and slice your model out of the picture and paste them into an image of the setting you sought. This in no way appeared right and will be spotted as fake a mile away!

So, to get around that, photographers had to invest literally thousands of bucks in tangible sets, props, painted backgrounds, etc. - plus have a place to stockpile them. This made running a studio a necessity. It had been very difficult to lug those backdrops and props around and making the customer come to your studio was really the only real option.

And, they were costly!

E.g., if we would like an image of a child, sitting inside an antique washtub, against a dappled brown and tan "Old Masters" was required that we would have to purchase the "Old Masters" hand painted canvas background.

They go for almost a $1000 to buy really good one. And then we had to buy an vintage washtub. If we could even find one, we might anticipate to spend $50 - $100.

All this outlay was before we even realized that the the baby is afraid of washtubs and screamed for the full session.

Enter digital!

At present, for only a few dollars we can buy dozens of digital backgrounds! Essentially, what a digital photography background is, is a photo of the backdrop or perhaps a prop kept on a Compact disk.

Now for $20 or $30 we purchase a Disc with digital images of dozens of "Old Masters" backgrounds, a further Disc holds many of various types of antique washtubs.

Then we open them up in Photoshop or Gimp, digitally drop the washtub we are fond of in front of the backdrop we like, add in the earlier done shot of the baby and ta daaa! In a matter of merely a couple minutes, we now have our baby sitting in an old washtub in front of an "Old Masters" backdrop.

No massive cash cost, no battling props or storage, no need to get a studio! The digital photography background puts brilliantly imaginative photos within reach of us all!

Warning: Working with a Digital photography background is addictive!

If you are ready to take your photography to the next level...check out my new e-book:

"7 Secrets To Creating Stunning Photos!"

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