Love Poems for Parents

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Parents are the institution from where we learn all the basic principles of life among which the most important is “how to love”. The children who are lucky to be brought up by their own parents know how loving and caring they have been all through their lives and how little we can give them in return no matter how much we try. If it is a happy family, parents are always the kindest hearted and loving members in it, they are selfless, sacrificing, and motivational and they can always surprise us with a new expression of love to show that we never could think of. It is children’s responsibility to show love with the same intensity in return and try to find more ways that can make their parents happy. Here I am suggesting you one that is to write love poems for them to read in a family occasion. This kind of presentation will make your parents feel honored and loved for sure.

A suitable occasion to rejoice your parents with a gift of love poem can be the birthday of one of them and of course on the day of their anniversary. Mothers’ day and fathers’ day should also be celebrated with the same spirit. In some families people specially write verses in praise of their parents to read whenever there is a wedding ceremony of one of the kids to make them feel proud. An occasion does not need essentially be there to show love to your parents, it may only be a family get-together where you recall with your parents and siblings the wonderful memories of your childhood. There may be some events you remember when things were tough but your parents helped you through the hard times, you can illustrate them in the poems you write and amaze your parents with the fact that you have not forgot whatever favors they gave you.

If the love poem is written for father it contains admiration for his tireless work that means to provide his children with good education, home, food and other necessities. A father is tolerable, caring in his own special way, he may not be as expressive as the mother but he feels exactly the same love and concern for his children so there is the need to tell him you identify that love, in your poem. On the other hand children spend most of their time with their mothers, who love deeply, scold harshly, they worry extremely but in the end they make you what you are. However long your poem goes you may never list down the qualities of a mother.

Your poems will be a joy for them even more as they get old, because this is when they want more attention and love just as they provided you with, in your childhood. These poems convey one’s feelings for his parents along with care and respect and make them feel important and still the major blocks of the family and that you wish for their long life.

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