Lines On My Forehead – How Can I Eliminate Them

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Do you look in the mirror and say how did I get those lines on my forehead? If you do I bet you are in my same age bracket (baby boomer) or above.

Those lines can come from frowning or squinting a lot. Maybe you're one who contemplates often, and when you do you scrunch your forehead. That would lead to those lines also.

If you find yourself in the same boat I used to be in, you may be asking yourself how do I get rid of lines on my forehead? I've found the answer is not hard, so read one to find out how I solved that question.

I started taking care of my skin, is what I did. Part of taking care of my skin meant drinking plenty of water daily. I've always been told to drink 8 glasses of water a day. One of the problems I had with drinking all that water was I had to go to the ladies room all the time, so I had to made sure I was going to be near one when I was drinking my required amount. Sometimes I would be in a car for the day, I wouldn't drink much. That wasn't doing my skin any good, so now I to much better, and I just make myself stop more often.

Another thing is to know what ingredients to use as part of a skin care routine, so I can fight the battle I had with those lines on my forehead. I found when I used the correct substances the lines would start to diminish.

The ingredients I found most helpful are natural. Products laden with chemicals are too harsh for my sensitive skin.

Besides that a lot of the chemicals used in the cosmetics today are toxic to our health. I have to ask why would someone want to use substances on their skin that could eventually lead to cancer.

I won't go into detail here about this health issue, but you should familiarize yourself what harmful. If you want to know what these dangerous chemicals you can find them by typing in "dangerous ingredients in skin care products" in your search engine of choice and you'll find lots of good information. You can also check the web site listed below in my bio section. I have a page on there that will tell you which ones to stay away from and why.

I also have lots of good information about the products that will answer the question how to get rid of lines on my forehead. The substances I use are all listed there.

Ingredients like Cynergy TK™ that will help your skin produce more collagen and elastin, which will rid you of those lines. Some of the products you find will say on their labels that they contain collagen and elastin. Just containing these substances won't help your fight against fine lines and wrinkles because the collagen and elastin molecules are too large to penetrate the skin and get to where they need to do the work of eliminating fine lines.

Finding a product that stimulated my body to produce more collagen and elastin actually worked against those lines on my forehead. So don't be deceived. Read more information in my web site to learn the real truth.

Elizabeth Ruby is passionate about good health and using healthy products on her skin. She does extensive research on the best products to use and what products to avoid. Visit her website at to find out what products she recommends.

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