Lights Add Life To The Most Mundane Of Pictures -- 5 Methods That Help

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It is very important when you hold an exhibition whether you are a beginner or a veteran that your pictures are displayed to the best of their advantage. You would earn accolades and have sales only when the viewers love what they see. This you can have with the help of cleverly installed art lights and picture frame lighting.

It is not always enough to have some beautiful pictures displayed; you also need to focus and attract the viewer's attention to the best features of the picture. Here are five easy to apply methods that would help you in this aspect:

Position your lights well -- what type of pictures are you displaying? Are these paintings or photographs depending upon the theme and overall ambiance found in the pictures on the display create a contrasting lighting effect that would be biased towards your pictures. If the lights are bright and sunny add gloomy colors to the room so the pictures would stand out and warm your heart. Keep the lights suffused, yet directed t the picture.

If the pictures are gloomy and border on the sensitive or darker side, enhance their impact with soft earthy colors that promote compassion and sympathy. Keep the lighting bright around them so the misery in the picture is highlighted visually.

Use the right lights -- what types of light you need the best would be decided not only by the pictures you display, but also the type of room you are displaying this pictures in. If it is your home, restaurant, hotel or a gallery bright yet covered frame lighting is the best. In this way even when all the lights are off, your picture could still be in view and open to your admiration. However, you can also use external picture lighting against dim room lighting to it could bring total focus on the painting.

Use placement of your pictures well -- some pictures look good above eye level -- but most would be best displayed just at the level of your eyes. Look carefully at your pictures and think what type of positioning on the wall it will create the best impact. Not only lighting you could also use a group of photographs that contrast of converge on a theme for best visual impact.

Pay attention to the frame -- many art lovers concentrate so much on the lighting that they forget about all other matters. For example, in a picture one of the best features is its frame. Besides lighting, the most observe and commented upon item of the picture is how it is framed and the type of frame it has. Does the frame you chose for your picture do it justice? Could you use something that would highlight its beauty better? Think about it.

Pay attention to the interior decor of the room/ gallery -- you have decided what pictures and where they would be displayed. You have decided about the lighting, the color of the walls. What about the interior decor? Ensure that along with the lighting you pay enough attention to the interior decor of the room.


Stewart Wrighter is an entrepreneur who runs a large group of websites that specialize in high end items such as art lights. He offers a large selection of lighting such as picture frame lighting.

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