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Imagine waking up to some serenading poetry. Yes, he’s down on his knee waking you up on Valentine’s day with the best of poems .Picture a window facing the sea and the moonlight ripping across it. And on the window-ledge, you and your beloved are curled up together, reading up some romance.

It could even be Hollywood style. Both of you, lying down, cuddled up in a sea of grass with fresh yellow flowers, reading a book. It could be one of the most contented days in your life.

You could be reading some classic Shakespere sonnets. You could get sensual with Mills and Boons. You could even go for a Spanish passion with Gabriel Garcia Marquez’s ‘Love in the Time of Cholera’.

You could celebrate your love with P.S.I Love you, or The Notebeook. You could cherish you love with ‘A Walk to Remember’. You could even go filmy with ‘Gone with the Wind’.

There are so many great books you can begin your Valentine’s morning with and end up feeling toasty warm, sparking some passion or crying in gratitude. Reading together is one of the most gratifying things you can do with your beloved. It’s like travelling through worlds and lives together, with the warmth and comfort of someone you love. It’s like growing together through those experiences.

But on the other hand, a book is still great to celebrate your Valentine’s with if you’re single. You could lose yourself in some intense young romance, with a Vampire twist , with ‘Twilight’.

You could cuddle up with a bar of Lindtt and turn on the chicklet mode with ‘The Princess Diaries’. You could even go for some detective, albeit very passionate romance with J.D.Robb’s Naked in Death

Jude Devereux’s A knight in Shining Armour could get you dreaming of the perfect one. Wuthering Heights could even offer some new insights into lasting, faithful love. True love can exist in so many different ways.

If you’re an avid reader, then Daphne Du Maurier’s Rebecca will be a refreshing book to add to your romance collection.

With Booksorbit, you can find new, great ways to keep that romantic spark alight and smouldering. If you’re a couple, you could add a whole new dimension to your bond. And if you’re single, well there’s no better way to spend Valentine’s day than pampering yourself with a great book. You could even get yourself a great massage , while sipping a glass of wine while you’re at it.

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With our intuitive interface, we help you spot the books you want in no time. In other words, we’ve given online bookshopping a whole new dimension. If you let us, we’ll do the same for your Valentine’s day and still keep your pocket from burning.

We light the candles instead, of love, passion and some learning. You won’t be faling in love this Valentine’s, you’ll be rising in love.

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