Japan - On a Slow Path to Recovery - Technorati Lifestyle

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A slow path to recovery in Japan

Earthquakes and their after-shocks followed by Tsunami are more frequent after 3.11.2011. Japan is situated over number of converging tectonic plates, which are very thick (about 70Kms) and moves few centimeters every year. Every earthquake happens due to the shifting and distortion of the plates below the surface. Scientists are trying to understand the pattern and dimensions of earthquakes, so that more accurate predictions can be made before any disaster caused by these earthquakes.
Since 3.11 Higashi-Kanto earthquake of Japan, there have been approximately 500 after-shocks felt, some of these after-shocks are as powerful as 7.0 magnitude level. Meteorological Agency of Japan has been sending frequent warnings about future earthquakes and tsunami. The announcement for tsunami clearly warns about 2nd. And 3rd. waves of tsunami will be more powerful than the first wave.

In the recent horrific earthquake and Tsunami, Tohoku, the northeastern part of Japan is hardest hit where some of the towns were asked to be evacuated leaving them as ghost-towns and time really seems to be frozen in those towns. The residents are asked to take refuge in safer areas, with every day going by their hopes are becoming remote about returning back to their normal routines.
After exactly 4-months the recovery is not only slow but it is about measuring the patience of the residents. A brief monsoon is over and the daily temperature is rising to maximum 37degrees, with more decay and a rise in insect population is expected. Most recent quake of 7.3 magnitude is recorded on Sunday July 10th. when once again sirens were heard with tsunami warnings. In these tough conditions it is a real test for the recovery which is already slow and raising worries and anxieties among the workers and volunteers. ‘Too less and too slow’ is a general debate in Japan media, the problems are huge and the system is too slow to coup with such situations on immediate basis.

Over at the Fukushima reactor premises smooth operation of the treatment system, is still in trial error stage. Tokyo electric is supposed to recycle water in order to cool the damage reactors of the plant, but here and there some glitches are preventing a smooth cool down and also still whether the melted fuel be buried deep down the earth surface or been taken to another location is un-decided. But first the importance is towards removal of highly radioactive material because otherwise the sacrifices will be unbearable to the already torn-out residents of about 100Kms. Radius.
By the efforts of Government some progress is achieved and in coming days more is expected when the piles of debris clears and the roads are repaired for normal life routine.

For these some basic reasons that whole nation is becoming more anxious about future of the nuclear energy, and as what will be the best way to replace nuclear energy. Still the answers to this and rehabilitation remains unsolved. There is not enough with the present Government to calm down the nation on any front, when this road of seeking "replacement of energy sources" and "rehabilitation of the residents of Fukushima" will come to a satisfying end.
"Contributed by Bob Winters, a new staff member at Nexusscars- Japanese car exporter"

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