Its all about preserving the natural ornament of a women; her hair!

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Looking back is not an excuse, heading for a springboard of hope in the future is appreciable. Just cherishing the past memories of your beautiful hair won't work; its time to face the reality and get practical. Every human being wishes to look gorgeous by enhancing the beauty of the natural elements and god gifted ornaments. Hair is the very precious ornament of women to express her personality. Hence, it is very important to preserve it. Loss of hair in women is a very unusual phenomenon; every second female on this globe arises with a compliant of hair fall. Hair loss issues have become pretty sombre and depressing.

The case for men can be acceptable, now-a-days baldness has become the latest trend amongst men, but women with no hair have a tough time; especially our culture that accepts guys to go bald but women should remain fit, elegant, passionate, and beautiful all over her journey of livelihood. Hair loss is a major issue and need to be curbed, it not an easy job to bring down the percentage ratio from 99 to zero within a few span of time. But awareness can help out by making the females understand the reason behind their hair fall.

Causes of hair fall majorly differ on the basic of personal differences and deficiencies. There are thousands of reasons that are responsible for the loss of hair may it be a male or a female. It is very important to dig in the root cause of your hair fall and then going for the treatment. Some general outdoor factors that can hamper the quality and growth of hair are as follows.

Carelessness in handling hair is the major reason that can lead to increased amount of hair fall. Hair is the most delicate and sensitive part of the human body, they need to be handled with care.

Fortunately hair loss in women generally does not result on complete baldness, focusing on the physical aspects most females experience loss of hair due to hormonal changes.

Losing of around 100 strands in a day is nothing bothersome; again it depends on your hair density, age and hair growth cycle.

Women tend to lose hair particularly at the stage of menopause, apart from this seasonality, improper diet, pregnancy, illnesses, medications, hectic schedules, stress etc are also several reasons that are majorly responsible for loss of hair in women.

This was all about the general and some of the unavoidable reasons that affect hair. There are several factors that can be easily curbed; like use of very strong cosmetics, improper rinsing after shampooing, colouring and highlighting, styling hair with the help of electrifying tools like curling irons, hair dryers, hot rollers and excessive use of synthetic products etc. These conditions hamper the natural texture of hair very strongly and majorly contribute in the loss of hair amongst females. However, over decades we are trying to curb this major issue of hair fall, just taking proper hair care with proper assistance is the only way that can help you to fix your hair problems permanently.

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