Itchy Skin

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People who experience itching on the top of their head beneath the hair know how unbearable it can be, and often leads to other skin conditions like unsightly dandruff which is embarrassing when it falls like snow all over your shoulders. Hopefully the following tips will help you control and maybe overcome your dry itchy skin.

Certain medical conditions can cause dry itchy skin, too. Four of these are dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis, and seborrhea.


Dermatitis refers to an itchy skin condition caused by contact to a substance you are allergic to. Poison ivy is an obvious example. Laundry detergents could be another one that gives rise to dry itchy skin.


No one knows why eczema happens and no cure has yet been found. It is a kind of itchy rash that makes your skin oozes or weeps. It is sometimes associated with dry skin. Children sometimes have this condition.


Psoriasis is an autoimmune disease, which means it's a condition that is caused by the body's immune system getting mixed up and attacking the body itself. The itching of psoriasis is maddening, as anyone who has the condition can tell you.


Seborrheah, which is characterized by flaking and redness, sometimes develops after a hospital stay. It is often found on the face or in folds of skin. Seborrheah dermatitis can affect your scalp areas as well.

Dry and itchy skin may be more of a problem in winter when there is less humidity. Dry itchy skin is an aggravating condition. This is why dry itchy skin is more prevalent in the winter months.

Keep Skin and Hair Clean - Wash Everyday if Possible

Some people like baths, most have showers, others don't wash everyday for various reasons and they are usually the one's likely to suffer skin issues, You need to remove loose skin, dirt and perspiration by washing everyday.

Regularly Check Skin All Over For Changes and Growths

Dry itchy skin can appear anywhere on your body other than just obvious places like your face, arms, hands and legs. Older people start getting dry white age spots and dry itchy skin in places like under their arms, behind the knees on their back, under the feet and other awkward areas to examine.

Try not to Rub, Scratch or Pick at the Skin

When the itch gets bad its nearly impossible to leave it alone, but the worst thing you can do to your dry itchy skin is rub, scratch and pick at it. When you find a dry skin care product that relieves your itchy skin and scalp always keep it handy and apply it as soon as possible to the affected area.

Use Natural Plant Oils

The skin care industry is releasing new products daily to help relieve dry itchy skin and replenish moisture. Creams with carefully balanced natural ingredients are widely now available.

Use Only Good Quality Natural Skin Care Products

Dry skin care ointments containing ingredients like CoenzymeQ10 penetrate deep into the dry itchy skin areas to give relief. A further benefit to using this ingredient is its ability to increase collagen and elastin production in the skin, which also helps reduce signs of aging.

Following these five steps can improve your dry itchy skin and make you look and feel better. There are many natural dry skin care products available you can trust. Look for products that help control your specific symptoms.

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