Is Fallacy 2012 a spiritual Novel?

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Some of my readers see my first work, Fallacy 2012, as a spiritual novel. Indeed there are a lot of discourses about love, life and the sense of all of it and certainly about the existence of a superior power, something like God, Allah, Shiva or Hunab-Ku. Does this make a story a spiritual novel?

Questions about the existence of a superior power follow some of us until the last day. And there is more than one answer to it. Whoever thinks that he/she has the only right answer to this multi-dimensional question is not to be taken seriously. I do not try to give the answers. I would like people to find their own answers and believe that each of us can find them in one’s own heart. Maybe Fallacy 2012 is a spiritual novel. For some readers it is philosophical, and others mainly see a love story and some like the political aspect of it. I personally like to consider my stories as spiritual novels, but it is also much more a story of a person that goes through a major process of personal development, a transformation, with all its questions, hopes, needs, struggles, feelings and answers or solutions. My main goal is to describe an inner process of deep awareness of oneself and of humanity. From that aspect you might call it a spiritual novel. For me The Shack, written by William Paul Young, is a typical example of a spiritual novel. Because the questions that are posed are who is God, what is his job and what is ours.

I studied the Mayan Calendar carefully and seriously because I was fascinated about their system of energy, their prophecies and the interpretations of some real experts. It is interesting how I came to the subject and from where I got the inspiration. I took this book with me to a beautiful villa in Tuscany, Italy. And after having opened it, I could not stop reading it until I turned the last page. It was a book by a real Mayan expert, Carl Johan Calleman. His description of the Mayan Calendar, a very complex system of energies that impact our behavior and the outcome of our behavior, was understandable and easy to read. His work, in context of understanding the impact on human evolution, pulled me in completely. For two nights I did not sleep but did not get tired either. When I decided to write a novel around this, I found a certain calm within myself.. It took me three months to write the plot and another three months to edit and produce it. It was a wonderful time. And if someone wants to call it a spiritual novel, I feel flattered by that.

I must admit that the awareness of the Mayan wisdom has changed my way of looking at the world and its evolution – it even has changed my life. Writing this book has given me so much more understanding for who we are and what is happening now and in the future. I lost a lot of fear because I suddenly could look at things as milestones in a never ending process. Even if we did destroy our wonderful planet, it will not be the end of the world. The whole process also has awakened another dimension of responsibility for myself - to take action in several parts of my and others life. It has also made me realize my importance as an individual in terms of the future and evolution of humanity.

From this understanding, came the backbone of the novel. If we look at the story from the perspective of the content that is based on the Mayan wisdom, we could maybe call it a spiritual novel. However, spiritual novel or not, the Mayan Calendar is one of the pillars of this book and why it is called Fallacy 2012. Fallacy because 2012 will not be the end of the world, but possibly the beginning of a new development away from pure egoistic targets towards more social and human models. Luxury and wealth have not brought the freedom that we thought. In contrary, we now are slaves of materialistic values and suffer of a lack of human values. The point of turn has come. And this is what Fallacy 2012 is all about. Sophia, the main character, meets a Mayan expert, Nathan. She is careful and does not believe what Nathan is presenting to her at first, but eventually begins to follow his beliefs. In the end, Sophia finds out that the Mayan Calendar underlines and even proves what a lot of spiritually philosophical and astronomical scholars have said: Humanity will shift to another stage of evolution. The Mayan and other older prophets had seen this coming more than a thousand years ago. For the sciences it is a conclusion…for the old wise man a prophecy. That is fascinating! Therefore, someone can call it a spiritual novel, but it is not a must.

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