Is Chocolate Better than Broccoli?

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No, that is not a trick question.

Better smelling? Better tasting? Better for you? There are so many ways to ask this question and so many ways to answer it.

No matter how you ask it, which one do you think most people would honestly prefer? You guessed it. Unless you are some sort of alien, I think you would agree that chocolate tastes better than broccoli. Yes, I am human, so I would have to agree too. I could probably dip my dirty gym sock in chocolate and enjoy its chocolaty goodness!

I bet that if I gave you a nutrition test right now, you would most likely score a B+ (or an A after this e-course). Did you really not know that broccoli was good for you? So, if we all know what the right answers are, the question really is: why are so many people still battling their weight?

The challenge is when you have to make the decision between chocolate and broccoli (I suppose you could just dip your veggies in chocolate and resolve the whole problem). All kidding aside, how about you stop making your nutrition choices an EITHER/OR experience and stop telling yourself there are things you CAN'T eat? How about knowing that you can eat just about everything! (Except McDonald's. I can't make peace with that).

Here's the honest truth. I eat chocolate and I drink wine. I love them both (I know what you are thinking... even chocolate?) and there is no reason I should give them up forever. However, I will tell you how I pull this off and still stay lean year round and feeling great. Most of my meals are made with healthy delicious foods and we all know there are plenty to choose from. Then, when the time is right I can have things like freshly baked peach cobbler with vanilla ice-cream (as I often order when I'm out and share with my husband).

I am now at my ideal weight and I stay this way through smart meal planning, an effective workout program and periodic indulgences.

I know you want to look and feel great and also treat yourself to the foods you love without "giving" anything up. The following steps are exactly how you can get to your ideal weight and keep it off permanently:

1. Follow the meal plans in The Diet Solution Program to a T for the first 6 weeks. Really get your metabolic engine going and feed yourself the foods that are going to burn unwanted fat off your body.

2. During these 6 weeks, establish an exercise program that is realistic for you. Realistic does not mean "wimpy". Come on, push yourself beyond your limits and really show yourself (and everyone else) what you're made of. Follow any one of the exercise bonuses included in your Diet Solution Package. They will all prove great results.

3. Once you get yourself into a consistent routine of healthy eating and "non-wimpy" exercise, (usually around the 6 week mark) start to include 1-2 of your favorite foods each week. Once your metabolism has been cranked up by healthy eating and exercise, a piece of chocolate or dessert won't make or break you. You know what else? You'll feel so great, you probably won't even care about certain foods that you once thought you "couldn't live without".

I know these website has armed you with an arsenal of priceless information that you can start applying to your life right now. Don't wait one more day to take action on your health and weight goals. I am here to tell you the journey is incredible and the destination has countless rewards.

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The Author have been writing articles for years. Not only does he specialize in Credit and Debt, you can also check out his latest website on Quick Weight Loss Secrets which contains The Diet Solution Program Review.

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