Internet-Giving speed to latest news

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We live in a world joined by technology mainly Internet and mobile phones. We might be traveling in a faraway land yet we would be able to connect people in our own land. These things are now sounding so commonplace that we have forgotten that once they were a luxury only privileged people could afford. Kerala news is just one touch away. Politics coming from Delhi news is one SMS alert away. Development and GDP growth rate as in Gujarat news is one click away to get. We can have whatever we wish for facilitated by technology.
There was a time when businesses were hit by Dot Com Bubble Burst. Most of the businesses went online but the frenzy could be survived by only few of them. Latest news at that time was only that what kinds of propositions are coming to Internet and how many of them are actually doing business and that too profitably. Ventures like and are outcome of that period.

Virtual World-A Truth
In present times Internet has become our thread to reach every thing. Our expectation from internet has reached to a very different level. With the Virtual World, individuals have begun to play with their imaginations. They have started creating cities their and organize it they way they think it should be organized. Exploration is an opportunity that is being provided in ample amount in Internet. The only thing required to have is time and wish. Virtual identities were latest news of gaming world for some three or four years ago. Who doesn’t like to be in charge for a while?

Also, it has been reported that famous politicians and film stars are also a part of such world. Incidents of Kerala News and Gujarat News about such famous people were made into virtual world. Gaming people enjoy such a pun. Some people disregard this activity by tagging it unrealistic. Yet, its nagging presence and the satisfaction it gives to people can’t be disregarded altogether.

Internet: Pros and Cons
Internet has made its presence felt in nearly all the areas of human interest. Now we cannot avoid remaining ignorant about the world with Internet. We can’t afford it also. Our need of constant updating and up grading is fueled by the latest news Internet can provide us. News from states of our interest like Kerala news and Gujarat news can reach us even if we are no more there. Thanks to Internet, our reach has grown manifolds. But this connectivity is breaking in terms of reality of relationships. Speed of Internet is offending in a sense when bad news gets spread. As with everything, we need to choose best here also.

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