Insurance Rates For Teenagers - How To Make Sure You Get The Lowest Rates

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Insurance companies know that teenage drivers are much more of a risk of getting into an accident than older drivers.

Because of that fact car insurance rates for teenagers will be higher than the rates their parents are currently paying. If you want to pay the lowest possible premiums for your teenage driver, here are some helpful tips to get those lower rates. Teach and preach these to you student driver.

Driver Education Training

It is very important that your student driver enroll in a good, certified driver training course before they take their state driver exam and apply for auto insurance. These courses are worth their weight in gold in terms of what they will accomplish in teaching a new driver how to drive safely and learn the laws for your state. Not only that, most insurance companies will charge you less to insure a new driver who has completed a certified training program.

Add Them To Your Current Policy

Rather than setting up a separate insurance policy for your teenage driver, add them to your current policy. You will almost always save money by doing so. You can get some of the same discounts you are getting. If you have a good record as a safe and accident free driver, your teenager will be able to start out with the lowest possible rates for their age because of your good driving record. If they have their own car this can create another "multiple vehicle" discount that you could not get if they have their own separate policy.

Do Good In School

All of the major auto insurance companies provide lower rates for students that get better than a "B" average on their school work. Make it worth you kid's while to get good grades. Enhance their driving privileges for doing well in school. Get creative about offering them perks for getting good grades. They get something out of it and so do you. Statistics prove that kids with higher grades in school are also better and safer drivers overall.

Make Sure They Learn And Obey The Law

Nothing goes further in helping keep insurance rates low than a clean driving record. A good driving record is only possible when a teenager knows and understands state driving laws. It is your responsibility as a parent to make sure that your young drivers are aware of the traffic laws in your state and that they understand the long term impact of breaking or obeying those laws. It starts with your example as a driver. Make sure that you obey the laws and have safe driving habits so that your teenage drivers have a good example to start with.

Make sure they understand that good, legal driving habits are important not just to keep them from getting a ticket and eventually paying more for insurance, but also for the safety of other drivers on the road with them. Teach them to respect the law and respect other drivers as well. They need to understand that driving a motor vehicle is not a right, it is a privilege and it should be treated as such.


To learn more about how you can save money and greatly reduce your car insurance rates, please visit . We offer practical information on the best ways to get lower insurance rates, do car insurance quote comparisons, and help you learn how to get the lowest insurance rates for your teenage driver.

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