Indo-Pak relations & Duplicitous policy

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After the Mumbai bomb blasts last November, Indian print and electronic media directly criticised Pakistan and tried to create an image of it as a failed state. Non-journalistic and undiplomatic language was used against Pakistan, which brought both countries very close to a terrible war. Timely and truthful analysis and commentary by Pakistani media helped in diffusing the tense situation. This situation begs the question: How much real truth is in the propaganda spread by the Indian government and media against Pakistan?

As far as the question of Ajmal Kassab's citizenship is concerned, there is no denying that he is a Pakistani and belongs to Pakistani Punjab. It is also a fact that Jamat Dawa is headed by the same people from Lashkar-e-Taiba who were involved in Kashmir Jihad and attacks on the Indian Parliament. There is also no denying the involvement of Hafiz Mohammad Saeed and Maulana Masood Azhar in the jihadi activities.

An airplane was hijacked and held as ransom from Katmandu, Nepal. It was after a long, tense wait and the release of Maulana Masood Azhar that the ordeal ended, so there should not be any hesitation in calling Maulana a "jihadist" or, according to the modern lingo, "a terrorist." Similarly, we cannot present Hazrat Maulana Sayed Salah-ud-Din, who is the Supreme Commander of the Joint Jihadi Council, as a freedom fighter in front of the world, no matter how much we would like to do so.

Let us discuss the relationship between India and Pakistan, which, due to the sincere efforts of the last government, had become very cordial. After the Mumbai bomb attacks, despite the assurances of full cooperation from the government of Pakistan, India has not shown the level of trust towards Pakistan that everyone was hoping for.

In fact, America, NATO and India realised the duplicitous policy of the Pakistani government regarding the Mujahedeen (Kashmiri and Afghani). The government's refusal to take any action against Maulana Masood Azhar, Hafiz Mohammad Saeed and (I'd like to make additions to this list on my own) Sayed Salah-ud-Din (Supreme Commander) is a clear example of this policy.

All of the above mentioned people have been directly or indirectly involved in jihadi activities on issues relating to Kashmir and Afghanistan. These activities have not only endangered the peace in the region and the world, but have also tarnished the beautiful image of Islam, as a result of which Muslims around the world are looked down upon. I would like readers to be unbiased and answer my one question: Is it true that Muslims of the world are disgraced due to the idiotic strategies of Al-Qaeda and Taliban?

The relationship between India and Pakistan cannot become normal until the government of Pakistan takes firm and decisive action against aforementioned people. To create trust between the two countries it is necessary to file cases in Pakistani courts against Lashkar-e-Taiba, Joint Jihad Council and the so-called jihadi Hazrat Maulana Masood Azhar because we cannot satisfy the world and India just by putting restrictions on these elements

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