Indoor Tanning FAQ

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Before tou start tanning indoors it is very important that you have all of your questions answered and all your concerns addressed. This is because indoor tanning is a great experience and you should maximize the pleasure and benefits of it by getting rid of any concerns that you may have. It is a good idea to speak to a professional at your chosen tanning salon to do this, but here are the answers to a number of frequently asked questions about indoor tanning:

Is it safe?

Yes, indoor tanning is safe if you do it properly. This is one of the first questions usually asked about tanning because people are aware that there are risks associated with exposure to UV rays. If you follow the proper procedures and use the right tanning lotions and other products, indoor tanning will be as safe as outdoor tanning. Since it is in a controlled environment, tanning indoors is considered to be even safer.

What are the benefits?

Compared to outdoor tanning, indoor tanning takes a lot less time and gives you a more even tan. Some people also say that it is safer, especially if you're using the right tanning lotions and other products. There is also a thought that lying in a warm tanning bed gives you some down time and is good mentally. People with bad acne seem to benefit from indoor tanning.

Do I need to use tanning lotion?

Yes, absolutely! You should always use a lotion. Although it is not required by your tanning salon, it is a very good idea. It moisturizes your skin, protects it from the rays and helps to give you an even tan more quickly. Make sure to choose the correct tanning lotion for your desired results.

How often should I go to the tanning salon?

This will depend on how quickly you want to get a tan. You should to wait 1-2 days between sessions so no more than 4 times per week. Many people go 3-4 times per week until they get the desired color and then go 1-2 times per week to maintain that tan.

How long does a typical session last?

Most people tan for 20-30 minutes per session. However, this is dependant on a number of factors such as skin type so you should work with someone at the salon to determine the right time for you.

What should I wear?

Since you are going to be in the tanning bed alone, you can wear as much or as little clothing as you'd like to get the tan that you want. Many people wear nothing at all to get a full body tan. Others wear their swimsuits since they just want the tan where those on the beach will see them. You should always wear eye goggles during indoor tanning to protect your eyes from the rays. You should buy your own set of eye wear as sharing might cause an eye infection.

Will I be comfortable at a the salon?

Some people find that they are a little nervous when they first go to a tanning salon because they don't quite know what to expect. This anxiety will quickly go away when they see how comfortable indoor tanning is. Most people who tan relate the experience to going to a spa. You massage yourself with a tanning lotion which normally smells very good and then you'll get half an hour of peace and quiet to yourself in a warm tanning bed. Staff will be on hand to greet you and make the experience more pleasant. Most people find that they are comfortable with indoor tanning and also that it's an indulgent experience which they look forward to all week long.

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