Indian Contemporary Art

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ArtE Fraternity is online art gallery which sells and buys artwork online worldwide. The vision of ArtE Fraternity originates from a small painting made by a dear friend who still manages to move me like the first time I saw him and my inner eye was strongly affected, for the first time that work assumed a new significance, for the first time he has managed to enter the deep work of art, which despite having been created by an unknown artist, holds a unique power and expressiveness. It is difficult to explain in words the energy and character that go beyond admiring it, seems so alive that gives you the feeling of being part of it, to be there, inside.

This empathy stems from my curiosity, the desire to see and find out how many artists are not known in large circuits can be, and those who remain have no way of showing simply because they are able to offer, promotion or because they were victims of contract killing guillotine fully the art. Our Indian contemporary art gallery has precisely this aim: to try to put in the public eye these emerging artists without distinction of age, gender or style, but simply enhancing its abilities, the quality and strength of artistic expression. In ArtE Fraternity you will see on display online the works of emerging artists in the artistic fields of painting, sculpture, photography, digital art, design, video art, installation, and much more, to understand, appreciate and invest in them.

At here you can buy the works of emerging contemporary artists online. The website will also be submitted works have already been sold: this is possible because on ArtE Fraternity proceeding cause a sort of online art auction. The customer concerned can in fact present its proposal to purchase the experts from the art gallery, which will contact the owner of the work to assess the possibility of the sale. The operation is similar to that of the most famous art auctions in the market and allows you to touch the real potential of works of art such as investment vehicles.

In this way, in fact, those who are engaged in the work at the art gallery online will see their investment bear fruit and touch the goodness of the purchase. Last but not least, advised by the gallery and assisted in the negotiations, may decide to return in a short time made the investment in art and decide to reinvest in yet more famous works of art their own gain. This tool is absolutely innovative online auction similar to the art virtual reality, while it is very common in the most famous auction houses.

The sale of pictures, paintings and works of art in general, therefore, becomes, in ArtE Fraternity a moment of discovery: the visitor is taken by the hand through the works, which are explained from the compositional technique to their true essence. This is made possible by the images of the works and the commentary that accompanies each artist to his creation: a unique and innovative way to get to know each masterpiece of Indian contemporary art in depth and to be able to grasp all the nuances and artistic purposes.

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