Important points to enhance your images

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It's important to note that how you are clicking the photographs and also how to avoid those difficulties which often happen with automatic digital cameras.

So, here are ten tips which would help you to enhance your digital photograph and of course help you to increase your portfolio.

1. Pay attention to your subject
Most of the times, we can see that the picture is lacking impact as our subject seems to be far. So, it's important to avoid the unwanted aspects which are distracting and should only concentrate on the main subject by moving closer or using zoom option.

2. Change the format of the pictures
It's equally important to change the format of the pictures. The camera should be turned according to the subject as camera makes picture that are rectangular, not square.

3. Shoot for the perfect picture.
Shoot till the time you get the perfect picture. Later, you could easily delete the pictures which you don't like at all.

4. Avoid blurred pictures.
It's not very difficult to avoid blurred images, one just need to hold the camera properly, so make sure that you hold your camera with two hands. Also it is important to arch the shooting finger and after that pressing slowly or squeezing the shutter button.

5. Use the flash option
Images which are taken outside are far better by using the flash of the camera. Its mainly because flash helps to fills in the shadows and provide consistent lighting and a more delightful portrait.

6. Remember the range of your flash
For avoiding the underexposures with the flash, it's important to remember its operating range. So it's important to check the manual of your camera as flash range occurs to change when you adjust camera zoom lens.

7. Reread your camera manual
Study the instruction booklet properly of your camera, keep on reading it till the time you are not familiar with camera buttons, symbols and if by any chance you lose out the manual, you can very easily log on to the website and download the copy of the manual.

8. Don't let the date and time to ruin your images.
Be sure that the camera is not set accordingly which would automatically print the time and date of your clicks in the front of your pictures; it will ruin their appearance. With the help of image-editing software, time and date can be embedded.

9. Compose Pictures with Your Viewfinder.
If you have the option available use your camera's viewfinder rather than using LCD screen as it is easier and faster to compose pictures.

10. Put a Higher ISO for, Non-blurred Images, Sharper and better Flash Range.
Always remember that adjusting your camera's ISO stands for "International Standards Organization" and is a measure of light sensitivity for film, to a higher number, automatically sets smaller lens openings for sharply focused pictures. It helps to broaden the distance range of in build flash unit. Check out by clicking some images at different ISO to compare the results.

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