Important Information on Cause of Hair Loss

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You have probably heard someone close to you inquire about the cause of hair loss. A normal individual sheds between 50 and 100 hairs each day. Considering you have more than 100 000 hairs on your head, this is not a lot. You are said to be losing hair when you lose than 100 hairs every day.

You have noticed that the hair on a close friend or relative is thinning. This can be attributed to massive loss of locks. The fact is that every year, millions of people lose their hair. The loss can be credited to many different factors. These include poor nutrition, disease, medication among other things. However, understand that the factors that cause the loss of hair in one individual may not be the same in another.

It is worth noting that the gradual thinning of hair that most people experience is normal. As we age, we tend to lose more tresses than we grow. When your hair grows at a slower rate than the shedding, you lose hair. This leads to baldness. Sometimes, your hair may grow but in patches. This is also a form of hair loss.

The first major cause of hair loss is lack of proper nutrition. You are likely to lose your mane, if your meals do not contain adequate iron or protein. When you fail to consume foods with the right nutrients, your mane grows slowly and sometimes even fails to completely. So as not to lose hair, it is crucial that you stay away from crash and fad diets as well as foods that are highly refined and over processed. Eat lots of fruits and vegetables instead.

Medication is also known to cause people to lose their hair. The biggest culprits are drugs used to treat such diseases as arthritis, heart ailments, hypertension, depression and gout. The drugs cause the loss of hair in both men and women. Pills used for birth control purposes lead to the loss of locks in a number of women.

Closely related to medication are medical treatments. Your chance of developing alopecia which is a type of hair loss is high if you are undergoing radiation or chemotherapy treatment. This is because the therapies affect the growth of healthy hair.

Once you notice that your hair is begin to thin, it is best you visit your doctor. He or she is best placed to identify the underlying cause of the loss. The earlier it is identified, the better your chances of preventing complete and total loss of your tresses.


Not entirely sure what the cause of hair loss in women and men are? Kalpana reveals all exclusively on

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