Identity Theft — Protect Yourself

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Are you doing any shopping online these days? Statistics have shown that crime goes up in a down economy, and credit and debit card users are often the victims. Identity theft is on the rise: Last year 9.9 million consumers had their data stolen, a 22%jump from 2007. Here are a few ways to better protect your wallet:

Shop the big names: With more than 70 retailers and payment processors since 2006 reporting breached customer data, it's no surprise that consumers look for certified safety seals such as VeriSign and Trust Guard on retail Web sites. But researchers say not all certification programs can ensure that retailers will follow security or privacy guidelines. Phil Hochmuth, a senior analyst at research firm Yankee Group, which did a study on seals, cites an "overall lack of a generally accepted standard" of what they mean. "That's the nature of the Internet," he says. Experts agree—stick with big, national companies. They have stronger security because they have the most to lose.

Find some privacy: Shoulder-surfing attacks have occurred at ATM's and computers. Cell phone owners may be even more vulnerable to nosy neighbors because they tend to type more slowly on their hand held devices and use them everywhere. For $3 to $10 you can buy filters that darken phone screens when viewed from an angle.

Use the right card: If bogus charges were made on your credit card, you're not liable for them while they're being investigated. But banks can take up to two weeks before restoring debit cards funds to your account. Plus, victims could be liable for up to $500 in losses if they wait more than three days to report a problem or far more if they wait longer. Credit card cap losses at $50. To be truly safe, never use debit cards.

Identity Theft - Protect Yourself
Jordan Crouter
cell: 949-310-6998

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Occupation: Internet Marketing
I am on a personal MISSION to empower all of you frustrated stuck entreprenuers & give you the strength, courage & support to finally turn all of your dreams into reality!

I have been an entrepreneur my whole life. I was the kid mowing my friends’ lawns for money. I couldn’t believe my friends’ parents were paying me $60 dollars per month for only 4 hours of work per month. That’s $15 bucks per hour as a 12 year old, almost 20 YEARS AGO! It’s scary to say, but how many people do you know today that would apply and readily take that kind of pay today as an employee.

I consider my lawn mowing days my first successful business venture as an Entrepreneur. Unfortunately somewhere along the journey I lost that Entrepreneurial belief in myself & started believing what every one else was teaching me! “Go to School”, “Get a good Job”, & “Find a good company to work for”. So I did that! I took a great job with a great company. I was set! I had the great job with a great company & was making a great mid six-figure income. I had clawed & worked my way to Vice President of a $52 million dollar company and was set to take it over one day. The only problem was it was destroying me physically and wrecking havoc on my family. Sound familiar, anyone!

Well, I physically hit the wall. I was working 16+ hours per day, sleeping at the office 2-3 times per week, pounding energy drinks like crazy...and then finally my body told me no more and shut down. I was diagnosed with Bacterial meningitis and spent (7 WEEKS in intensive care unit) and nearly died! I was such a brainwashed employee my brain basically overheated and blew a head gasket…..literally!

During the 7 weeks in ICU I had (2) brain surgeries and plenty of time to ponder life & my family.

Unfortunately it took me (2) brain surgeries and (1) near death experience for me to realize something had to change.

I finally started asking questions like an Entrepreneur again.

-How long can I sustain this?

-If I don’t show up to work, will I get paid?

-Why do my coworkers bring me down so much?

-Why don’t I have freedom to come & go?

The little boy (entrepreneur) mowing lawns was BACK!

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