Hurricane-Ravaged SVG Look At Ralph Gonsalves

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The hurricane that tore through the country of St. Vincent and Grenadines and St. Lucia has put additional task loads on the two respective Prime Ministers. This is probably the last chance that the Prime Minister of SVG will get to salvage a reputation that is in tatters. Ralph Gonsalves better make this opportunity count! The country goes into elections on December 13. History and his own work at the Prime Minister’s office are totally against Ralph Gonsalves making it to the chair again. Never before in the country of SVG has its citizens elected the same person for the Prime Minister’s post for a third time. If you leave that out as just sterile statistics, the misrule that Ralph Gonsalves unleashed on the citizens here in St. Vincent and Grenadines will be the real reason why he gets undone.

However, the hurricane, though unfortunate in its calamity, could be exactly what Ralph Gonsalves wanted to pull up his sagging chances. Voters remember immediate incidents more than what happened over a period of time. If Ralph can pull up his socks and make his lazy men work, the relief work could save his job. But when it’s him involved, you can always smell the occasional rat here and there! I was reading these reports which mentioned how he had called upon relief funds even before the hurricane hit home! He wanted to make sure that there was the help ready to be distributed. No one knows it better than him how important this relief work is for his political career. Once he loses his chair, there is no doubt that he will vanish down the spiral. The ULP knows better than to make him their face again.

The CARICOM Secretary General, Sir Edwin Carrington, was heard praising the work done to rehabilitate the hurricane victims of St. Vincent and Grenadines. He mentioned how the administration handled the work professionally and promptly. I’m not surprised that the network of SVG was totally in shape to handle this crisis. The Ralph Gonsalves government is doing this more for themselves than for the hapless victims of the country. The question is, will the people of SVG get this message? Will they realize this very vital motivation that is propelling the government to act with this immediacy? There are some other vital aspects of this crisis that is open to analysis and interpretation.

Have you noted how things can fall in place should the government want it to? It also goes to show that St. Vincent and Grenadines can improve drastically if the administration does the required tasks and take it forward. The possibility and scope of improvement are immense. That should be the premise that the voters should look at. Imagine the development that could have happened in SVG if the country was ruled by a competent government. It would be so much better if capable hands were at the helm in the next term. It’s high time when the citizens of SVG get a proper government in place.

Authors Bio: Samuel Parker is a working professional who has a special interest in Caribbean and its surrounding nature.You can also check out his other write-ups and/or links to his views/comments HERE.

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