How to Take a Good Passport Photo

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If you are getting a passport photo printed then you will likely be using it in some kind of fairly professional context and will need to be able to use it as a form of ID. There are certain rules and regulations surrounding the use of actual passport photos in your passports, and whatever you are using your passport photo for there are some tips that are worth following to ensure that when people look at the passport photo they know that it's you they are looking at. Here we will list a few tips and pointers for taking a passport photo to ensure that when you get them printed they will be accepted by all who see them, and that they will be clearly identifiable as you.

Be careful choosing your expression: It is a well known fact that you are not really supposed to smile broadly in a passport photo. This is good advise and failure to adhere to it will result in your photograph being a lot less identifiable as you and a lot less likely to be accepted as an actual passport photo. However this does not mean that you have to grimace or frown, and it is still possible to look pleasant and friendly without actually smiling. Practice smiling with your eyes and having a neutral position that looks approachable.

Keep things off your face and head: A passport photo is designed in order to clearly show your face. What this means is that it should be completely visible and not covered up by anything. If you wear glasses then this may be acceptable as long as you are careful not to cover up your eyes; however things like a hat for example or shades are not necessary or part of your normal appearance so you should opt to leave them out. Likewise with your hair, if you have a very long haircut or a big fringe, try to brush it or pin it back in such a way that none of your face is covered.

Look directly at the camera: When someone looks at your passport photo in order to identify you, normally they will be looking at your face head on – as such your passport photo should also be taken face on so that they can see you clearly and to make sure it's a good representation of you.

Position yourself carefully: As well as being positioned so that you are looking head on at the camera you should also be careful to ensure that you are not too close or too far from the camera as either of these things would mean that your face might be too bright or too dark, or that your entire face does not make it into the picture. Too far away might also mean that your details are difficult to make out. Finally it is important to be positioned so that you are in the middle of the passport photo. Adhere to all this advice and your passport photo should be a highly recognisable portrait of you.

Using these tips it is possible to take a great Toronto passport photo. Follow the links for more as well as banner printing and more.

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