How To Shed 20 Pounds In A Couple Weeks

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How to shed 20 Pounds in 14 days can be a difficult request. To do it you will need to hit the right balance of diet, working out, and rest. Today we're going to take a look at how Asian Women find a way to drop bodyweight so quickly, including after having a baby, and ways you can use these same tricks and tips to get skinny fast.

How To Lose 20 Pounds In A Couple Weeks

The first thing I suggest to my customers about shedding so much bodyweight in so short a timeframe is to be certain to Listen to your system along the way.

If you feel pain, irritation, lightheadedness, or other abnormal symptoms, I want you to stop the system and see if you return to normal. You need to be careful because it effects everyone differently and you don't want to force yourself past your own capabilities!

Now let's look at some basics:

1) No more carbohydrates - Carbohydrates are your worst enemy if you're trying to lose twenty pounds in just a couple weeks, mainly due to the fact they cause water retention, stop fat deposits from being used up as energy, and drive your insulin levels higher than they should be (which also limits weight loss).

Cut out the carbs right away, particularly "white" carbs like bread, pasta, rice, etc. You're on a time limit so get serious for me. No carbohydrates! Make your food consumption include as much protein as possible, like tofu, fish, chicken, and lean meat. You'll feel more full for a longer stretch of time, trust me.

2) Get rid of sugar - Not surprisingly sugar is a problem on a diet where we're trying to lose twenty pounds in a couple weeks. It's a simple carbohydrate, and worse, it's commonly made from high-fructose-corn-syrup, which is a big no-no.

Steer clear of sugar by drinking diet drinks which contain the organic leaf product "Stevia". Stevia is an Asian secret we've used for years to get lean and it tastes as good as sugar but has NO calories.

3) More water - You hear it all the time but you have to drink more water if you're going to lose weight rapidly. The purpose is due again to water retention. If you're not getting enough water daily your body actually RETAINS more water and makes you look puffy/bloated.

Consume at least 6-8 glasses of water per day (8oz size) to make certain you're not only not retaining water but are actually eradicating toxins out of your system correctly.

4) Calories can't go beyond 1000 per day - You're going to have to adhere to this one, fundamentally it's the key element to making your objective. Count your calories and try not to exceed 1000 total per day. Split your meals into 4-5 seperate small snacks, that way you'll never feel hungry. Make sure these mini-meals are 70% composed of protein, which will make you burn calories AND feel full with smaller portions.

If you do this right and get your timing down you won't ever feel cravings or hunger throughout the day, it truly does work.

5) Get your walk in - Some activity is needed to make your goal weight in time. I recommend as much as possible, if you can do a few high-intensity cardio sessions each week, by all means go for it. If your time is more limited however instead try to get your a 30 minute walk in every day, immediately after one of your mini-meals.

Walking after eating can help your body digest the food in a more efficient manner, and it will keep your metabolic rate humming along as you work towards your target weight.

It's Not That Tough, You Can Do It

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