How To Restore Your Hair-5 Tips For Healthy Hair

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Hair loss is treatable. You can restore your hair, but you should act quickly. Your hair will respond to treatments the sooner you notice any signs of your hair getting thinner or falling out.

If you are noticing that your hair is starting to turn up in places where it should not be, then you are probably in the beginning stages of hair loss.

The bad news is you are losing your hair. The good news is you have caught it quick enough. Most natural hair health and restorations work quite well when started at the earliest stages of hair loss.

Is you hair getting thinner by the day? Do you see more hair on your pillowcase every morning? Are you shampooing more of your hair down the drain?

These are all signs of beginning hair loss. What most men dread, losing our hair.
When caught in the early stages there has been success with many natural treatments.

Listed below are five natural hair treatments that have proven to stop hair loss for many men and to certainly slow down the rate of hair falling out.

1. When washing your hair try using filtered water. The chlorine levels in many of the local water to our homes are extremely high. This can cause damage to your scalp and cause your hair to fall out.

2. Dry scalp is a big reason for your hair falling out. It is usually caused by lack of proteins, iron and water. A very good natural treatment for dry scalp is to massage olive oil into your hair and scalp, then gently wash and rinse your hair with a mild non-abrasive shampoo. Do this treatment every week.

3. Ginkgo supplements are effective in restoring your circulation and blood flow, which can also be a major cause of hair loss. Folic acid tablets as well as increasing you water intake are also good hair loss remedies.

4. Rosemary essential oil is a main ingredient in many hair loss oils you buy. Try this very effective rosemary vinegar hair rinse besides slowing hair loss to a stand still it is very good for the treatment of dandruff and psoriasis.

First, to make the rosemary vinegar you will need fresh rosemary and apple cider vinegar

1 Cup Apple Cider Vinegar
4 Tablespoons chopped fresh rosemary

Heat the vinegar to just before it starts to boil, then pour it over your chopped rosemary.
Let it steep for 24 hours. You will need very little of it to make a bottle of hair rinse.

1/8 cup, which is about 2 tablespoons of rosemary vinegar
1-cup water
20 drops rosemary essential oil
1 tablespoon of vegetable glycerin (optional)
Apply to your hair after shampooing, then rinse. Rosemary essential oil can be bought at health food stores and on the vitamin and supplement aisles. Store the rosemary vinegar and make up your rinse as you need it. The vinegar only gets stronger the longer you store it.

5. Finally another remedy that has been used as a natural hair tonic for years are eggs. Either just the white of an egg or the yolk. Usually the yolk works best because of the protein in it. Massage into your scalp and the shampoo and rinse. It really makes your hair look fuller and silky.

Learn about hair restoration and what many men have already found out. You can get better looking and healthy thicker hair. You do not have to spend thousands of dollars on surgery or expensive hair products.

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