How To Find Someone Easily And Effectively

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Many people think finding someone is difficult. Poring over dozens and dozens of yellow pages and checking out the names of people with listed phone numbers can be time consuming, not to mention annoying. There is also no guarantee that your search will prove to be fruitful.

Using yellow pages as a method on how to find someone is already dated. There are easier and much more effective means on how to find someone today. Here are some of the best methods you might want to try:

Method 1, Electoral Roll Search
If you have ever heard of this method, you will probably also know what it is, which is to say, exactly what it says on the tin. It makes use of electoral register. An Electoral Roll Search is one of the most effective means of finding someone in the UK. That is because it includes each and every person registered for voting. So if you are looking for someone who is at the right age to vote, you should be able to find their names along with their contact details listed here. This is actually publicly available so you are not breaking any law by accessing this data. The system searches from about 200 million of records.

You need to find an online residential directory that makes use of an electoral roll search. You should be able to find an online yellow pages of some sort that has this feature.

Method 2, Reverse Phone Lookup UK
What about during those instances when you want to know how to find someone but you do not know what the name of that someone is. You might only have a few details such as the telephone number of the person. Perhaps it is someone you met in a party and forgot the name but have managed to get their telephone number. If this is the case, you can use reverse phone lookup UK.

One of the best features of a reverse phone lookup UK tool is that you can use the phone number only to locate the owner and their address. While there are many US based reverse phone lookup tools, there are not that many in the UK. You need to check out online directories that offer this feature.

Method 3, Through social networking sites
The number of people who are not on any social networking site these days is vanishingly small. You can find friends from abroad or friends from the same country. In fact, even if you are not deliberately looking for someone, the system of the social networking sites refers friends to you.

All you need to do is open up an account in any social networking site. There are search tools in these sties. The downside to this is that you can only search by full name to get the best and the most accurate results. If you do not know the name, you might have a hard time finding through location only.

Method 4, Online residential directories
If you want to find a postcode, telephone number or the address of someone you know, you can always log on to online residential directories. These sites are dedicated in giving you complete details on residential information such as the phone number, the postcode, the address and the name of the person. If you want to find a postcode because you are going to send a parcel or a letter, this method should be your best bet. This is an effective way to find a postcode.

Method 5, Search engines
Finding someone is easier now, thanks to search engines. Go to your favourite search engine and type the person you want to look for in the textbox. Hit the search button. If the person uses online applications, networking sites or has a blog or website of his own, the search engine should be able to track him down. Most people who have a blog or website include details on how to contact them.

Technology has indeed made our world a tad smaller and has offered us more information on how to find someone. We can now get in touch with people from our past, relieve some old but fun memories and get together once again with the help of these methods and technologies. Whether you are using reverse phone lookup uk, search engines or online rudimental directories, you should be able to find a postcode a phone number or the name of the person you are looking for.

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