How to Deal with Death

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Death is the end of life as we know it; the end. There are many different theories that attempt to describe what happens after a person dies; most religions have a different version of an afterlife. Christians, for example, believe that if a person lived a sin free life he will be granted into heaven where he will rest in peace for the rest of eternity. The truth is we do know what happens to us when we die; there is no way to find out. If you are not a religious person you probably do not believe in a afterlife; when you die that's it, game over. Of course, it can be quite depressing to think about especially if a loved one you have personally got to know quite way passes away. Christians generally take comfort in believing that the dead are in a better place, happy. It might help you to feel better if you believe that your loved one is in a better place as well.
But what you believe in is entirely up to you; your decision, the fact of the matter is that you need to stop feeling sad for the person who died. Sometimes this process of can be quite time consuming; people will not be themselves, they will throw themselves into a pit of sorrow. Depending on how depressed a person might be he or she may attempt to end their own lives, which won't do anyone any good.
Sometimes the death of a loved one can push a friend they were close to over the edge, causing him or her to suicide. Suicide is not the answer for anything, no good will come from it; you will not feel better about your life. The fact of the matter is; you will not feel anything when you're dead, everything you once knew will not exist anymore. Suicide has become quite popular, especially amongst teenagers who have convinced themselves that they can live no longer. The sad thing about this is that most of these teenagers have everything they could ever want, they live perfect lives, the never have a valid reason to kill themselves. The internet is full of discussions people start on how to kill oneself, it is quite sad really. Just remember, suicide is probably the most selfish thing you could ever do; you are literally tearing out a piece of everyone's heart you have ever know, you hurt everyone. So, if you are feeling depressed snap out of it, the less you entertain the idea of suicide the less you will be tempted to do it; once you do there's no going back, you can't come back.
Now, death is inevitable; people die all the time. If somebody you know dies it may be your responsibility to bury or cremate their bodies. Make sure to pay attention to the deceased person's will and do exactly what he or she has written. Just remember, suicide won't make you feel any better; be strong, survival of the fittest.

Author works with americancremationandcasket, they do funeral arrangements while keeping cost of cremation low.

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