How to Conserve Electrical Energy Each Day

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More power is wasted everyday in the United States than in any other country around the world. With environmental problems like pollution and the depletion of the ozone layer, we must be extremely conscious of just how much electricity we consume.

We are going to concentrate on several things that we all can do to save energy and save money at the same time. These things are so simple to do that anyone can do them; even so, you will need to act for it to work and doing so you will help save our environment.

One simple and easy thing you can do is to just switch off the lights when you exit a room. Majority of people will exit a room for 10 to 15 minutes to go to the kitchen to get a snack or to do something else and they leave the light switched on in the room they left because they will going back in to the room in a little while. If you do this for only a couple of times each day, it could add up to at the least half an hour of consumed electrical energy. While you consuming what could be thirty minutes of power each day may not appear like much, be aware that millions of other people are doing it as well. And every soul who does this is squandering 182 hours of energy each year for merely this one light. Let's say that we actually leave the lights on for approximately 182 hours every year and let's multiply that by one million people. That's 182 million hours of electricity wasted per year coming from a light that is left on in one room.

Another thing that is causing electricity to be wasted is the habit people have of going in a room and switching the lights on. Many of us do this without thinking. I catch myself doing the very same thing also. The trouble is that even during the day when you have no need for the light since you're getting more than enough sunlight to light up the room. And yet, we come into a brightly lit room and flip the light switch to on. And on top of that, because of the natural light getting in, we have the tendency to forget we turned the room light on in the first place and leave it on for the rest of the day. You just need to make the extra effort to not turn the lights on if there is adequate natural light coming inside.

One other issue is people leaving electric devices like televisions and radios turned on the entire day, even when they are not using them. When I go visit my mother, I have to remind her to turn the TV off as she would leave it running even though she's not watching. This is a great waste of electrical energy. Thus, if you are not watching the telly, just turn it off.

These are just a couple of really easy suggestions that can go a long way to conserve electricity and help save the Earth. It only takes a little effort on your part to remember these things, and when everyone makes a small effort, it can add up to make a huge difference.

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I am an engineer and environmentalist. I am blogging about environment, wellness and ways to protect our health and environment. Uncomplicated Steps To Effectively Save Water, Here Are A Number of Basic Tips For Preserving Water

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