How to Buy a House For Back Taxes For $200 or Less

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Want to make a boatload of cash from property? Here's how to buy a house for back taxes. When you get it the right way (outside of tax sale), it can be virtually headache-free and very profitable. The steps below will have you buying tax property for $200, outside the auction, in no time.

1. Forget about going to the tax sale. Too many competitors. Everyone and his brother is at the tax sale these days - this means no good deals. Also, the closest you'll get to being able to know what you're buying is driving by the property. So you'll need to know how to buy a house for back taxes another way to buy tax sale properties that don't involve the tax sale.

2. You want to wait until the redemption window has almost closed. Mortgage companies will have bailed out mortgaged properties by now, so all that's left is free and clear property. This leaves owners that can't or don't want to pay the taxes, for a number of reasons. This is how you'll get your properties - from these particular owners.

3. See who these owners are, and find their current contact information. You can often find these owners just by Googling them. If you can locate a phone number, that will be best. Email also works, but a call is what we want.

4. Ask the owner about the situation with the deed. Offer them $200 for their time in signing the paperwork. There's really nothing more to it. The owners don't want their deed, and they're glad to be rid of it.

5. Make thousands selling the property, or pay the taxes and keep it. Want to keep the property? Go pay the taxes off. Or sell right away, take your earnings (thousands!), and move on to the next property deal.

This method works. Try it for yourself. And there's really never been a better time to learn how to buy a house for back taxes and start investing.


Foreclosure rates won't last - act now!

Wondering what to say to claimants? For a limited time, learn the techniques for FREE in our Tax Sale Overages training e-book.

Interested in owning tax property? Visit DeedGrabber.Org now to learn the "magic words" to say to owners to get their deed for $200 or less.

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