How to book a show

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So you want to learn how to book a show for your band? There are many ways to get your band booked at your favorite bar or venue. Booking your first show can be difficult and tough sometimes, but I have something to show you... You can book a show at your favorite establishment by using these three simple tips.

Play open mikes. If your band's music is good enough, you can often times impress a venue by performing well at their open mike. Often times the person who books the venue will be there for the open mikes either because they are working, searching for talent, or just hanging out. This is also a good way to get your name out there, network, and hone your performing skills. Perform at as many open mikes as possible and remember to say your band name at least 3 times per 15 minute set.

Make friends with bands. The best way to get your foot in the door is to get to know people who are doing the exact same thing that you want to be doing. Go see your favorite local bands show's and meet everyone in the band, and all of their friends. Get in their social circle and actually become good friends with them. People will see through you if all you want to do is use them and be on your merry way. If you make the effort to become good friends with them, it will eventually be easy to ask if you can open for them. The great part about this is that bands know other bands, so if you meet one good one, chances are that you will meet a couple worth while bands to play with.

Give your press pack directly to the person who's in charge of booking the venue that you want to play. Include a professional looking cd, a bio, and some good digital photos. Promise that you can bring a bunch of people. Have the number already in your head before they ask. All they care about is money when it comes down to it, so if you say that you have a following, or a ton of friends, they will take a chance on you.

Now that we know how to book a show it's time to hone our craft. For lessons online for guitar or drums just click on
drum lessons

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