How to Apply Matte Makeup for Oily Skin

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Oily skinned girls, rejoice! Matte makeup is hitting the fashion world by storm for the fall and winter season of 2010 & 2011. Here are some simple steps to achieving the perfect matte face.

Step 1: Exfoliate the skin for a fresh, soft start before applying makeup. Splash face with warm water and use an exfoliator such as St Ives Apricot Scrub. Rub in circles all over the face, concentrating on chin, cheeks, forehead and sides of nose, where dead skin is most likely to accumulate. Rinse thoroughly and then dry vigorously with a fluffy towel.

Step 2: Apply a good toner using a cotton ball. Proactive Toner is the best toner for oily skin, as it balances the PH level so your skin is not stripped completely of moisture. Toner disinfects pores and then seals them, to help prevent makeup and dirt from clogging inside. (If you normally apply a moisturizer, do so after the toner has dried).

Step 3: Apply Milk of Magnesia for oil control. (Yes, many people will say I’m crazy for suggesting this, but for people with extraordinarily oily skin it works!) The Magnesium in this product is highly effective at absorbing oil. Dip the top of a cotton ball into Milk of Magnesia, original formula, unflavored. Swipe the cotton ball over your T-Zone (nose, forehead, cheeks & chin) so that just a nearly transparent layer of wetness can be seen. You don’t need to use much. Allow to dry completely for about 3 minutes before moving to the next step.

Step 4: Apply a mattifying face powder as a primer, using a fluffy powder brush. Mattify! Loose Powder by Mattify! Cosmetics is the best mattifying primer to use for oily skin because it absorbs oil, and further prevents any makeup from lodging in pores, which can cause breakouts. Dust it on over your entire face, including eye lids, as it will help act as a primer for crease-free eye shadow. You can get this at

Step 5: Spot apply concealer on any areas you need to hide; such as freckles, dark under eye circles & acne. One of the best Mineral brands is L’Oreal Mineral Concealer, and one of the better liquid versions is Cover Girl’s Invisible Concealer. Dot concealer onto dark areas or acne spots and gently blend outwards with concealer brush or finger tip. Avoid any concealers that are oil-based, as these will clog pores.

Step 6: Apply a good quality matte foundation. This can be applied using a foundation brush, or fingers. Dab a bit of foundation on cheeks, chin, and nose, then blend using downward motions. Repeat this process on forehead, but blend upwards toward the hair line. If using mineral foundation, blend into skin using Kabuki Brush in circular motions.

Here are some good matte foundations for oily skin:
Liquid Foundation:
Drugstore brand – Maybelline Matte Mousse.
High End Brand - Estee Lauder Max Coverage Foundation at
Mineral Makeup:
Drugstore Brand - L’Oreal Minerals
High End Brand: Bare Minerals Matte or Jane Iredale Amazing Base at
The higher end brands will always offer better coverage and a longer lasting matte finish. If there is one cosmetic item for which you should pay top dollar, it is foundation.

Step 7: Apply finishing powder to set makeup and absorb oil. Using a fluffy powder brush, apply another dusting of the Mattify! Loose Powder for Oily Skin. If you normally use a colored loose setting powder, apply the Mattify! first, then your regular colored powder. The Mattify! Powder will ensure a matte look, and provides 5 times more oil control than regular face powder alone.

Voila! You’ve now created a matte makeup finish. Keep a jar of the Mattify! Powder with you for touch-ups throughout the day to keep skin matte. If your skin starts to get shiny, you can blot it on with a powder puff without disturbing your makeup. Since the product is translucent, it will not look cakey or add unwanted color when applied repeatedly.

Some other tips for perfect matte makeup:

**If you are leery of applying the Milk of Magnesia to your skin, this step can be skipped. People with exceedingly oily skin will find it to be very helpful in keeping a matte complexion. Unless you have a sensitivity to Magnesium, it should be harmless to your skin and not cause breakouts or clog pores.

**Be sure to avoid any type of face powder, foundation or blush that contains mica, bismuth, or pearl powder. These are all reflective ingredients that will cause your face to look glittery and shiny, rather than matte. These ingredients are best suited to eye shadow and lip products, where you actually want a little bit of sparkle.

**Complete the steps above before applying eye liner, mascara & lipstick. Doing so will prevent any oil absorbing powder from sticking to your eyes or lips.

**A matte complexion doesn’t have to be boring! Spice it up with rust colored lips and shimmery eye shadow (browns, grays and purples will be hot this season).

** If you would like even more staying power for your makeup, use a makeup setting spray such as Model in a Bottle ( or Skindinavia ( Mist this on after you have applied all of your makeup for a smudge free finish that lasts 8-10 hours.

**Everyone’s skin is different, so some people may react differently to various ingredients. However, all of the items suggested are oil free and suitable for acne prone, oily skin.

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