How Kids Can Have Fun and Learn With Watercolors

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Children love to play with colors, they like everything and anything colorful. Many activities can be organized with watercolors; it can be classroom activities where the whole class can participate. Such activities can also be organized at homes also where the entire family can take part and even neighbors can participate. Parents and teachers need not worry about using watercolors, as most watercolors are non-toxic and eco-friendly. Just have a look at the carton before you buy one. Watercolors are inexpensive and to organize a activity all you need is white charts and some old newspapers or cloth to protect the floor and table.
Teachers can organize watercolor activities that will keep the students busy and occupied. For instance after having a story telling session, all students can participate in the watercolor activity. So how to organize one? Teachers can provide white charts for each student or it could be shared. For watercolor activities you don’t need any sort of expensive brushes or equipments, kids can just use their hands to play with colors. They can make hand prints, dip objects in the paint and imprint them on the charts. Kids can make designs from what they have understood from the story; it shows their creativity and their level of understanding.

Similarly watercolors can be used to make colorful gift wrappers; therefore the charts used for activities can be reused. These charts can also be used to wrap notebooks and to decorate the class, who knows if your children’s art is very impressive then the teacher can even sell them to raise funds for school! Studies have shown that playing with colors help develop cognitive part of the child’s brain; children also learn how to express things. Such activities become a window to the child’s mind.
At homes, having watercolor activities can keep kids busy especially during holidays. You can always invite neighbor’s kids to participate that will definitely double the fun. Kids will also learn to socialize and share things. When more kids participate in such activities, children get an opportunity to share ideas, it helps them to accept other’s opinions and give their opinion about an issue. Watercolor activities can be made more fun using carved vegetables; parents can use vegetables like potato to carve designs like flowers, leaves or paw prints. This will give a chance for the parents to be a part of the kid’s world.

Watercolor activities can be little messy, so always make use of those old newspapers, see that the kids wear appropriate clothing. Always encourage kids and never compare them with the other kid’s art works, saying his or her work looks better. Once the activity is done, see that you dry the chart well before displaying or for further usage. Make sure that kids wash their hands well with soap once the activity is over. Watercolors are generally washable, so need not worry about the stain on the garments. Soaking the cloths in detergent for few hours and this will get rid of the stains. So what are you waiting for? Get some watercolors and have some fun!
Pavitra James is an expert author for Kids activity sheets, worksheets, phonics, homeschooling. For more information visit our site Contact me at

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