How John Found the Nikon Coolpix P2 Digital CameraHow John Found the Nikon Coolpix P2 Digital Camera

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You wouldn't call John a professional photographer by any means. But he did like to take photographs because he had been bitten by the 'travel bug' and wanted lots of photos that he could use to show his friends and family. It was some kind of way of 'proving' that you had actually been there I suppose. Oh ... and the memories would be nice too!

So John made a list of essential features he would require in a camera fit for a traveller. He didn't want one of those big bulky things which, although it can make you look like a tourist, was not really his thing. It had to be small and compact - something he could easily fit into a shirt or coat pocket and conveniently produce at a moments notice. Something about the size of your average credit card or slightly larger, would be ideal.

But John was also fussy about picture quality. He needed a camera with at least 4 megapixel resolution and some kind of advanced red eye reduction capability was a 'must'. John was not only a traveller, but at home he had a social life as well. He liked to take those 'perfect moment' shots of friends and family and was tired of using so-called red eye reduction cameras that left his people-shots looking like vampires.

John also wanted a camera with an LCD screen, so that he could see what his photos would look like before he hit the shutter button. And then there was at least a moderate capacity for zoom lens on his list of requirements. It had to have a rechargeable battery and also the ability to take movies of at least a moderate length. Oh ... and then there was the storage capacity - a memory card was a must. The camera that would meet John's needs had to be light, nice looking (metal body, not plastic) and be auto-sensitive to light and shade.

One final matter was high on John's list. Taking good photographs was one thing, but the technology to easily and effortlessly upload the digital files to his laptop computer was top priority. John liked to post his photos on social networking sites and email selected items to his friends. If possible, he didn't want to be fussing around with cables and computer connections, so if he could find something with a good Wi-Fi capability, that would be just perfect.

So John went shopping ...

It wasn't long before he discovered the perfect fit in the Nikon Coolpix P2 digital camera. It had all the features he was looking for, with an attractive price tag to boot. He even found that, after taking images, he could correct the exposure levels in the camera itself. This was due to the incorporation of three unique Nikon features, called the D-lighting function.

So now John can often be seen travelling around or socialising, with his Nikon Coolpix P2 digital camera in his shirt pocket, snapping those special moments, recording the memories of his life and thanks to the wonders of modern technology, sharing them with the world.

Before you buy a Nikon Coolpix camera, think about what features you want. The Nikon Coolpix P2 digital camera is a light, compact sturdy model you can take anywhere.

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