How Halloween Trivia Questions can Spice up a Pub Quiz

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Halloween trivia questions can spice up any pub quiz, because by their very nature they tend to be different to the normal type of trivia you come across during the average pub quizzes. However, it is at Halloween and the days leading up to it that such questions tend to appear in a pub quiz, and many bars, pubs and even charities and other bodies tend to run themed quizzes at this time.

It is the same with other notable dates in the calendar, such as St. Valentine's Day, Christmas, New Year Day and, in the USA, Thanksgiving. There is something about a trivia quiz that attracts people at these times that would never otherwise be involved in a quiz.

Why is this? Why is it that many people will gladly participate in an activity on a special date that they would never dream of doing at any other time of the year? I am not referring here to those avid quizzers that attend a quiz every Thursday or Sunday evening, but to those for whom an annual pub quiz is an event.

One reason is generally that it is fun. A well compiled Halloween quiz can be a great deal of fun, as can any other themed quiz, and many people feel safe with such quizzes rather than just a general knowledge quiz with questions that they are afraid will show their ignorance to others competing. In fact, some will read up on Halloween trivia questions to improve their chances!

Another reason is that most people like their knowledge tested: hence the popularity of trivia quizzes on TV and why so many pubs in the USA, and particularly in the UK, run a quiz on a regular basis. They don't generally need an excuse for a quiz, but come Valentine's Day, Christmas, Thanksgiving or Halloween, they have the ideal excuse for a themed quiz - after all, it is only once a year.

So where do you find them? It depends on whether you mean find the quiz venues or the Halloween trivia questions with which to run the quiz. Pub quizzes are normally advertised in the pub itself, and many will have posters outside on the night. If it is a special occasion, then it may be advertised in the local press, but the news will certainly be passed around by word of mouth.

With respect to the Halloween trivia questions, you can make up your own, can get lots of free ones online or can purchase them. Why purchase quiz questions when they are free online? Simple - because you can be sure of the answers. Internet pub quiz questions are famous for wrong answers - on any topic. They share the same name for inaccuracy as those quiz machines that you find in pubs and bars.

I could give you many examples, but I don't have the time. I do remember once being informed that the square root of 4 is 16! They obviously meant the square of 4, but that's not what was asked. Others are well out of date, such as 'last year's . . . ' - that's out of date after December 31st!

There are no doubts that at the appropriate time Halloween trivia questions can spice up a pub quiz, and that a Halloween quiz is very popular at that time of the year. Pubs use them to rake in money while also making cash for charity. They get the extra custom on the night, while they might charge an entry fee that goes to charity with prizes donated by local business.

It is a big thing in the UK, and growing around the world, particularly in the USA and Canada, and in countries such as Spain where the ex-pats run their own general knowledge quizzes.

However, of one thing there can be no doubts. Whether it is run by a church or school for funds, by local clubs to boost their income or by pubs to draw in customers, Halloween trivia questions can spice up a pub quiz, and a Halloween quiz is very popular due the fascination of most people with witches, wizards and things that go bump in the night!

More details on how to use Halloween trivia questions in a pub quiz are available on where you will also find information on a themed Halloween quiz on the bewitching night.

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