How Green Are You? - Take The Environmental Phone Test Now!

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If you're a fan of Nokia, you'll know that the environmental journey through the years has been a long, but successful one. You can see a lot of the highlights in the Nokia & the environment: Our journey so far post.It's not just up to big companies to keep their carbon footprint down; it's down to each person to play their part in helping the environment - that's why we've put together the Nokia Green Test to find out how green you really are!Just tally up your points at the end to find out your green score!

Question 1 - Of the mobile phones you've owned, how many have you recycled?

A) None of them - 0 points B) One of them - 1 points C) Most of them - 2 points D) All of them - 3 points

Question 2 - When buying a mobile phone, how important are the environmental specs of the phone to you?

A) Not at all - 0 points B) If they're there, great. If not it doesn't matter - 1 point C) I've actively asked/researched about green phones - 2 points D) I will only buy environmentally friendly phones - 3 points

Question 3 - How many environmental apps do you have on your phone?

A) 0 - 0 points B) I think I may have one but I'm not sure - 1 point C) 3+ apps - 2 points D) 5+ apps - 3 points

Question 4 - How often do you use maps to walk or cycle?

A) Never - 0 points B) Sometimes, but public transport and driving is easier - 1 point C) If I can walk or cycle, I will - 2 points D) I make an effort to always use maps to plan my walking route - 3 points

Question 5 - How many environmentally friendly accessories do you own for your mobile phone? (These might be an all-in-one adapter, a solar charging panel or a bio-degradable phone case).

A) None, I've never thought about it - 0 points B) I think I might own one or two - 1 point C) When I buy an accessory I'll always looks out for a green version - 2 points D) All my accessories were bought with the environment in mind - 3 points

The Results

I trust you have all answered the questions honestly! J. All you need to do now is total up your scores from the points next to the answers you gave and see which rank you are - don't forget to let us know your results!

0-3 - Acorn (It's never too late to start helping the environment - why not start by recycling an old phone from your house. Find your local Nokia recycling point)

4-7 - Young Sapling (You're roots are young but getting stronger - remember, 100% of the materials in your phone can be recovered and used to make new products or generate energy!).

8-11 - Blossom tree (You really do have green fingers. Keep up the good work and start spreading the word to your friends about the benefits of recycling your old mobiles!)

12-15 - Mighty Oak (There's no doubt about it; you're a fully fledged eco-warrior. We're all green with envy!)


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