How Do Credit Card Debt Consolidation Programs Work?

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Consumers finding it hard to manage bills may turn to a credit debt consolidation program. The goals of these programs are to help consumers realistically meet monthly payments and get themselves out of debt. A credit card debt consolidation program works in a way that helps reduce monthly payments and either reduce or limit any late fees and other charges accumulated to date.

Free Counselling Available
Most companies that offer credit card debt consolidation programs will provide a free counselling session to see if a consumer qualifies. This is typically a no obligation free debt counselling session that will introduce consumers to the methodology behind the consolidation programs. Through this free counselling session consumers will learn that there are number of ways to consolidate credit card debt including:

• Monthly payments lowered

• Interest rates reduced

• Late fees waived

• Collection calls stopped

• Bankruptcy avoided

• One monthly payment created

How the Process Works
To determine during your free counselling session that consolidation program is the solution you should pursue, a debt counsellor will send the program participant the necessary documents to be signed. The documents will be accompanied by detailed explanation of the fees that are required and the signing of an authorization form that allows the company to talk to the creditors on the consumer's behalf.

Creditors Get the Calls
Once a consumer has enrolled in credit card debt consolidation program, the debt counsellor will contact all creditors telling them to refer all queries about indebtedness to the company and now represents the consumer. Those annoying calls from creditors will stop plaguing the consumer

Negotiations Begin
The hired debt consolidation company will begin negotiations with all creditors to come to agreed-upon solution which should include considerable reduction in interest fees as well as the possible elimination, if not reduction, of any accumulated late fees and other charges. The debt counsellor will use an income and expenditure analysis of the consumer's situation as a basis to make a proposal to all creditors to arrive at a single monthly repayment that can realistically be afforded.

Pay the Consolidation Company
Once a mutually agreed upon credit card debt consolidation program is established, consumers make a single monthly repayment to the debt consolidation company. Consumers no longer have to worry about making multiple repayments to a variety of creditors each month. The debt consolidation company receives a monthly payment, sending the agreed-upon payments to various creditors after subtracting their monthly fee. Consumers still receive confirmation from creditors that monthly repayments are on time and are adequate.

Periodic Updates
The credit card debt consolidation company will conduct periodic updates of the consumer's financial situation, most likely every six months, to check to see if there are any changes that need to be taken into consideration concerning the debt consolidation program. If so, the debt counsellor will make a request of all creditors for different payment arrangements if necessary. This debt counsellor should also help consumers with personal budgeting providing money management tips that can help the consumer avoid financial trouble in the future.

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