How Chemicals In Nail Polish Can Affect Your Nails Health

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There are so many chemicals in nail polish; it is very often confusing to ascertain whether or not any of them are harmful.

It is always best to check the ingredients in nail polish, but then what? Even if you do take the time to stand in the cosmetics isle, with your eyes squinted over a bottle of polish trying to read the ingredients, other than causing another wrinkle you don’t need, do you know what all those ingredients mean?

If you enjoy wearing nail polish often, then it would probably be best to stick to the safer non toxic nail polish. There are plenty on the market these days, as more and more people are becoming aware of their health and their fingernails health. And you get the added benefit of a healthy body.

If you are inclined to suffer from fingernails problems often; just by switching to non toxic nail polish can make all the difference.
There are some great brands on the market which are all natural; you can even buy hypoallergenic nail polish and organic nail polish.

There are plenty of choices for you to have beautiful fingernails with your favourite nail polish color.

If you do wear nail polish a lot, it is a good idea to allow your nails to breathe every once in a while, they will surely thank you.
Many people have suffered from health problems all because of their nail polish. One in particular is allergies. You may experience an allergy somewhere on your body, and not even realize it is due to the chemicals in nail polish.

Today the makers of nail polish are under pressure to make non toxic nail polish, or the very least reduce the chemicals in them, and many companies are now doing just that.

The good news is, as we are becoming more consciously aware of what is going into our foods and onto our bodies the health industry booming. More and more companies have no choice but to comply with consumer demand.

You also have the choice of removing your non toxic nail polish with a 100% mineral nail polish remover. Does it get any better…?

Nail Polish Ingredients to Avoid

FORMALDEHYDE - commonly used in hail hardeners and not nail polish. This is a carcinogen (substance capable of causing cancer), also used for indoor air pollutants.

Inhaling fumes from formaldehyde may cause headaches, burning in throat and watery eyes.

TOLUENE - most common in paint thinners and is a neurotoxin, (substance which can interfere with the functions of neurons). Neurons are cells found throughout the brain and nervous system, these cells help with swallowing to other high level brain functioning. So, you don't want to destroy your neurons do you?

Short term problems may nausea, fatigue, weakness, confusion and long term exposure can cause serious nervous disorders.

DIBUTYL PHTHALATE (DBP) - listed as a teratogen, and is a very harmful chemical that can cause a birth defect, pregnancy complications or loss of pregnancy.

Also found in some perfume and hair spray. It is mainly used as a plasticizer in PVC which is then used to make things such as, tubing, hoses, cables, wires, sheeting etc.

This chemical is suspected of accelerating puberty in girls and capable of causing genital abnormalities in newborn boys.

How would you know, if you suffered a health problem that it could be connected to your beautiful fingernails, because of the nail polish ingredients.

When it comes to your health, the chemicals in nail polish need not be so confusing!

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